Your In-game name:
Your GUID:
Date & Time you was banned:
Please copy and paste the rule you broke:
I don't quite know the rule I broke, as I came on one day and had the message: Admin Ban [Vision Forum Report 26-10/2014]. Which I have looked for and can not find.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
Well when I was playing on this server I was pretty new to Altis Life, never the less I have no knowledge of me breaking any of the server rules with this being said I have read all the rules again multiple times to double check and if given a second chance will be sure not to break any of them.
Your GUID:
Date & Time you was banned:
Please copy and paste the rule you broke:
I don't quite know the rule I broke, as I came on one day and had the message: Admin Ban [Vision Forum Report 26-10/2014]. Which I have looked for and can not find.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
Well when I was playing on this server I was pretty new to Altis Life, never the less I have no knowledge of me breaking any of the server rules with this being said I have read all the rules again multiple times to double check and if given a second chance will be sure not to break any of them.
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