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Vehicle Lock Mechanics


Active member
Breif summary:
We all know that when stealing some ones car and they are around the corner you will be locked inside. 
This doesn't make any sense. Realistically you'd be able to get out through the doors like a normal person. And it doesn't make sense that when you enter an unlocked car you are able to start it up with a key (i assume since there is no hotwiring being done). And all of a sudden the owner seems to have a second pair of keys to lock you inside with? -And then you are stuck unless you fail drive into a wall with the purpose to be ejected. Or if someone would "smash" the window and carry you out like an infant unable to crawl out yourself. 
You'd think that the keys that are in the ignition would be able to unlock the vehicle. 

Detailed Suggestion:
My suggestion is to re-work the vehicle locking mechanics. 
Make it so that if you would get locked inside a car you would be able to step out, however once you've stepped out its still locked and you would have to lockpick it again. 
I know, some people who enjoys a kidnapping might disagree with this as their victim easily could just skidattle mid-drive. 
Well maybe the devs can work out a solution making it so you can only exit a locked vehicle while it is stationary? Or just buy some zip ties.

The Pros:
In my opinion it would increase the realism but still keep it not "too realistic" since it's still a game.

The Cons:
I can not think of any.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server?
I don't think it would.


Con - removes the disadvantage of being locked in a car after standing next to it and simply hitting 'f' quicker then the owner. -1 There should be a certain amount of effort and thought put into stealing cars doing this would make it too easy.
