Brief Summary: Vehicles your drive when your game crashes due to the server to be locked automatically
Detailed Suggestion: Think it would be really good if you are driving a car when you are kicked from the game or the game crashes as it seems to do alot recently that your vehicle should auto lock itself to allow you time to get back into the server and retrieve it. Its very annoying especially as police when ur game crashes and you come back and your car has been nicked because people are opportunistic and dont know its a result of a game crash.
Sure you should be responsilbe to lock your car anyway but sometimes its unavoidable and its just abit shite when it happens.
The Pros: Stop losing your car on a BS crash
The Cons: Dev time i guess?
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? no
Detailed Suggestion: Think it would be really good if you are driving a car when you are kicked from the game or the game crashes as it seems to do alot recently that your vehicle should auto lock itself to allow you time to get back into the server and retrieve it. Its very annoying especially as police when ur game crashes and you come back and your car has been nicked because people are opportunistic and dont know its a result of a game crash.
Sure you should be responsilbe to lock your car anyway but sometimes its unavoidable and its just abit shite when it happens.
The Pros: Stop losing your car on a BS crash
The Cons: Dev time i guess?
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? no