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In-game name: PringleChris

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198107207879


What was lost: Cash/Boxer truck


Value of item/money lost: Cash £1.2 million and my boxer truck

Quick description of what happened:  I just pulled into a gas station to refuel my boxer truck and somebody in a hemtt came about 60 miles an hour into the side of my truck my truck then fliped into the gas station making it blow up with me inside it i did not get time to get his name i lost my van and my money which was 1 million.

Sorry mate - that sounds like an accident, not necessarily VDM. Got any video, or supporting witnesses? Or better still, the name of the 'killer' - it might give us a steer on whether he was a deliberate VDM, or whether it was a genuine accident.

Quite apart from anything else, your box truck is still in your garage:

PringleChris, 8907, civ, C_Van_01_box_F, Car, 76561198107207879, 1, 0, 173942, 1, "[]"

So it wasn't lost. You may have lost the cargo, but depending on the circumstances, you may be able to wheedle that out of the person who crashed into you. Find out some more facts, and we'll see what turns up.

ok and nope i have no video but thanks for helping me anyway so will i get my money back ?

Not unless you can prove the incident was VDM, rather than an accident. Did you not even see who killed you? Presumably he would've died in the same fireball... did you not check your system-chat messages at the time?

nar for some reason he did not die ??? because i then respawned and saw he again but he was driving to fast to get his name.

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