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VDM/RDM in Kavala/Agios (Refused - No evidence)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Orc

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198098723255

What was lost: I lost (2 MXM's,6 9mm silencers,MK18,Gillie suit and carry-all backpack with 8 white smokes and 2 first aid kits, one large storage box,DMS)) the first time he VDM'd me at my house near agios (Gourvo has a video) and I lost  s (MXM with Silencer and combat fatigues). second time in kavala.

( I was moving house at the time).

Value of item/money lost: Around 600k all together.

Quick description of what happened: I was moving house with my friend Gouvo, and had everything in the boot of my beloved hatchback (Which got towed away :-() When I was parking up, all of a sudden, a beige hatchback smashed into our car. So I repaired my car when the player jumped in my car and ran me AND Gourvo over. Around 20 minutes later, I was at kavala car shop when the same guy runs me over and picks up my gear. He then shoots everyone who walks near by on sight.

I have forgotten the users name however they have both been banned. (I think it was IceCube and Peter Waheoiu).

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Gourvo has failed to produce the video to this thread, i would like to see it, please reopen with the video.

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