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VDM Banned

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My name is Edward Rock. I have been playing in this server for over three months now and I can say it is my favorite. I was even thinking about donating. Unfortunately I found out that I was banned yesterday after coming back from a short break. The thing is i am not sure exactly what happened but my Steam account was infiltrated and I would like to apologize for my actions that took place in my absence. I was not aware of any of them. I now have retrieved my Steam account and I can assure you that it is secure. Again I would like to apologize for the issue and let you know how important this server is for me. I have never been banned before and I am literally begging for a second chance. Please let me back in.


Edward Rock (also in game name)

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I would like to believe this, but the IP you posted this thread with matches the IP we banned yesterday for driving around and VDM'ing people.

We are adults here, please be straight with us it will get you a lot further.

Wilco as I explained earlier I was definitely not playing yesterday. I am not simply trying to get out of it by saying that I was hacked because it was probably someone I knew and I take the full blame and responsibility. I apologize again and I'm asking for a second chance since it is my first and only offense in this server. Please reconsider and give me a second chance. This server is the reason I play Arma.

Thank you

i thought stem had great security so you didn't get hacked...Guess not 

It may have been an external device connecting to his computer, disabling his input and taking control, basically letting the would-be hacker take full control of his ip. The same thing happened to PC Snape while he was on patrol with me and PC Josef. Snape told us that he took both his hands of the keyboard and that his character controlled itself. Snape's character disembarked and started shooting at me and Josef (killing him). I managed to get out and kill Snape's character (as told by Snape himself), When I killed him, the feed didn't say that I had killed him, which may also show that it wasn't him.

I am being completely honest here. I already apologized for the VDM but as I mentioned earlier I am not the person whı did them. I just want my ban to be lifted and get this over with. I really like this server

Gourvo an update: a troll friend of mine did it and I personally apologized to Wilco. I really really love this server and I would never do such thing to get banned. I just want to be back in to prove you guys that I really love this server. I have changed all my steam acc. information and this will never happen again. Of course I am taking the responsibility since i indirectly caused this but I apologize and ask for a second chance.

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