1 hour ago, Samuel Thompson said:
Nicotine which is in most of the things you will find on the subject is baaaad shit...
Naturally occurring in your body with a natural intake, hence the ability to develop a chemical addiction (Causes the withdrawal symptoms). Once you take in more Nicotine than your already present limit, your body will adapt to intake that extra nicotine, thus raising the limit. If your intake does not get to that limit, you will start to experience withdrawal effects such as:
Constipation or diarrhea
Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia
Difficulty concentrating
Depressed mood
Increased hunger and caloric intake
Increased desire for the taste of sweets
Tobacco cravings
Nicotine is not that bad in small quantities besides the withdrawal but it's used has been linked to diseases/issues such as:
Fetal development issues (don't be pregnant and smoke)
Vascular system (this one is weird because most of the vascular problems alongside nicotine come from studies with smoking tobacco but general diseases with heart and your circulatory system)
Reinforcement disorders (Leads to other disorders and psychological diseases and their effects being increased and reinforced i.e. Depression, anxiety)
Often seen as a "Gateway drug" (To be honest don't really agree with this one, if you don't want to do something then don't do it, nicotine isn't to blame for you doing heroin)
That kinda covers the whole Vapes that contain nicotine and as a friend of mine found, it can be hard to find none-nicotine filled vapes (he actually got addicted because of vaping to nicotine).
Smoking has many other issues that come with it... but I will let you read up on them I am sure you are aware of how much information on this subject is available online or even your cigarette packages.
But I will leave you with some nasty things in most cigarettes:
Acrolein - Causes Cell Death/Cancer
Formaldehyde - Causes Cell Death/Cancer
Acrylonitrile - Causes Cell Death/Cancer
A few more chemical names that cause cancer.... blah blah...
Second hand smoke aka you are near someone who smokes:
"Second-hand smoke has been estimated to cause 38,000 deaths per year, of which 3,400 are deaths from lung cancer in nonsmokers." - Tobaccofreefloridanewsroom.com. Retrieved 2013-01-02.
"Scientific evidence shows no level of exposure to second-hand smoke is safe" - Cancer.org. Retrieved 2012-03-25.
Benefits of smoking:
Really struggled to find any sources...
Purely sourced from me now:
It can have a calming effect as smoking a cigarette can be a depressant which will slow your heart rate and generally calm you, so if you have a stressful day it will help out with staying calm and focused (I use caffeine for this although it doesn't calm me very well but it does keep me focused).
The taxation, the government makes a fortune of tobacco sales and will keep doing so and as far as I can read at least some of it goes into the NHS to pay for the health care costs of smokers. (The taxes does not come close to funding the strain on the NHS, but obesity is a worse drain!)
Social effects, at one point you were considered the "Cool kid" if you smoked, and in parts of the country this is still true.
Didn't even talk about marijuana - moving onto that now:
Marijuana has uses Medically, recreationly and spiritually in different states and cultures.
Although illegal in most countries it is legalised in places like the Netherlands and the states of Colorado and California in the USA. -Heavily Taxed once again.
It has some down sides as far as I can see but they are similar to that of smoking in general with carcinogens present in both Marijuana and Tobacco, it seems just safer to not do either drug.
" Cannabis has not been reported to cause fatal overdose" - Drug Alcohol Rev. 29 (3): 318–30. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00149.x. PMID 20565525.
Excessive use causes lung issues but small usage does not seem to do so even over prolonged periods of time.
"Epidemiological studies have found a strong correlation between cannabis use and the risk of psychosis, and found the risk is higher for with strains higher in THC." - Biol. Psychiatry. 79 (7): 604–12. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.11.018. PMID 26852073.
One key difference in Tobacco and Marijuana usage is the lack of withdrawal symptoms
"Cannabis usually causes no tolerance or withdrawal symptoms except in heavy users." - "Withdrawal Symptoms From Smoking Pot?". WebMD.
Cigarettes have many health problems not just necessarily nicotine, increased nicotine consumption is bad. Uhhh Vapes haven't been round long enough to see real statistical evidence that none-nicotine present vapes actually cause much harm, however that is what people thought about thalidomide as a morning sickness drug (
Marijuana while not as bad is still bad kids. Much like smoking it can have an adverse effect on your health if your brain is not fully developed, smoking before the age of 25 marijuana has seen a decrease in the total development of the brain. Not just your physical health, but mental leading to increased chance of developing
schizophrenia, psychosis etc.
Don't take what randomers say on the internet as truth, they may be wrong or lieing. Do your own research and make up your own mind. Just because I tell you one thing and quote a source doesn't even mean that is the actual fact!
Drugs are bad mkay.