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UNMC replacing major drug cartels and gangs over the past year?


Well-known member
So I've been gone from the server for more than a year and upon returning it appears major gangs/cartels have dissappeared and been replaced by one whitelisted rebel group. Does this mean drug wars between cartels are dead? Or Have I just not noticed any of the bigger gangs?

UNMC are a very well organized and powerful group, but there are still big gangs putting a fight up and causing mayhem against them. 

All of the massive so too call gangs, such as some which are gone due to banned members or transferred communities. There is a few which still actively play but the UNMC's part is not too replace the gangs but too be a military organisation based upon traditions in it's own lands, gangs fight them but still premise holds that the UNMC is there to fight those in that position.

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