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UNMC Cow or whatever is not doing what he's supposed to

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John Hammond

Bodø, Norway
Went into UNMC territory, all of a sudden a dude who apperantly is named UNMC cow or whatever popped out from the bushes in his strider escorted by 2 other people. They just hit me down, restrained me and verbally abused me. I thought this was supposed to be RP, and they told me they protected the people or whatever, but what he did was act like a noob rebel (the kind who robs everyone for no good reason). I want you to remove him from the UNMC or whatever the new name was for it and make him suffer like a civilian the way I've been suffering from UNMC and police brutality as well as RDM by random players such as [DS]Kris. (Kris MUST be dealt with btw). Because of the chain of events I'm considering leaving the server, but also do everything in my power to make your server unpopular, because the way your players and whitelisted "protectors of the people" and "police" act I would say your server just straight up SUCKS. On your website you've made it seem so good but when you actually play it you get a whole other feeling. You almost feel disgusted by how bad the police RP is as well as the UNMC rp. Fix it or get your server fucked up is all I'm saying.

1) Use the goddamn template

2) You do not get anyone removed from anything with your behaviour

3)He did not do anything he wasnt supposed to do. You jumped the border without stopping at our checkpoint so you became a target. Your behaviour toward him cost you your life. We are a army, we demand respect. We do not take people talking back to us like that. Accept that, or get shot every damn time you (try to) enter.

Also, you are considering to leave something you are clearly not even part of. You are just a player who comes by and apparantly doesn't understand half of whats going on here or what is normal and appropriate. Quite frankly, I do not think anyone will even miss you.




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So wait you don't like the way things are done. Had a fall out with a few players now you threaten to try to make the server unpopular and leave if you don't get your way??

You kinda sound like a spoiled 6year old. Good luck btw I can wait to see how this pans out


Please follow the format found Failure to use the format will result in the report being denied without question.

Again if all could please follow the rule of which only reporter and those being reported reply to the topic would be perfect.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
What Rule Was Broken?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
Regards ALUK Server Mentor Stealthee.
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wow ive seen some reports in my time but this one actually made my eyes bleed, admins this guy has been on server 1 all evening spamming side chat with his irritating behaviour constantly threatening to report everyone who comes within 10 meters of him then verbally abusing them in side chat , please can he be warned about his future behaviour or removed from the server as quite frankly this community is better of without trolls like this

I was with Cow at the time. You jumped the border, refused to pay, got mad when we took you with us, and bad mouthed us. Once we executed you, you said in direct that "Nice RDM. See you on the forums" or something like that. You constantly disobeyed us. 

In addition, you keep moaning in sidechat, telling people they are going to get banned, and saying words like "cunt", thus breaking rule 0 (I have evidence if needed). You also say to everyone who robs you or kill you "I'm going to report you" and then you report them, without using the correct format.

You were also killed by an officer and got mad and wanted him kicked off the force. (Willis King). You also didn't listen to us when we said the UNMC changed their name and sent a text saying:

"IF THE MAP SAYS UNMC, THEN YOU ARE FUCKING UNMC, NOT PRNA" (Or along the lines of. I have Screenshot if  needed). 

You have no evidence for any of these reports, and have gained evidence against you by making these reports.

Thank you for reading and udnerstanding,

Pfc. MD. Daanish [MTO]

Denied - No evidence.

If you want to "Complain" please go to the right section but to Report you actually need to use 1. The Template 2. Provide Evidence

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