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UNMC border pass


Well-known member
The way i figure, it would stand to reason that on a border pass would be a picture, full name and a date of birth, at a bare minimum. Keeping that in mind, my question is, when we as UNMC check peoples border pass, as it gives a name, would it be meta gaming to use it?

I would say it would come under metagaming / powergaming to use it if they give a different name to you. You can roleplay finding fake id's on them whilst being searched. You could question why it states a different name and ask them where the correct one is with their real name (the one they are roleplaying with). 

Treat it how thenpolice treat licenses. 'So it says here your name is digbick, is this correct?' That way you are giving them an opportunity to roleplay a different name

@Koala Bear , If theres alot of people at checkpoint you will see some people RP'ing of making your ID in the office. As on using the name i never use it since our border passes are difficuilt to replicate (that's my take on it in RP).
