Sovereign i completely understand what you are saying, but if you are meant to be like North Korea than dont call the UNMC a liberation army. beacuse North Korea is like 0% free. The whole purpose of why the UNMC exists is to liberate the civillians from the "Fascist" Altis goverment. If you make a place where civillians should fear to enter beacuse if you have a bad day they will suffer. With that the whole idea of a Liberation Army is defeated. UNMC exists to help and support us civillians from the Altis goverment not scare evey single soul thats wanna go throught.
And gangs are attacking the UMNC constantly beacuse of the way they are threated when they wanna go through the checkpoint, there are som very unpleasent people in there and you should supervise their behavior better.
I actually love that the UNMC exists, i am not saying that you should cease to exists beacuse the vision the UNMC once had was something great and beautiful. And i want it to exists but when its only 1/10 situations i can manage to force out some good RP with you guys. than there is a problem.