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Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

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Hello my name is Opa Rotbart,

I Have been banned Yesterday (11.06.2014),

So lets start off with What exactly happened. there was this guy called "Matt Hardy" he gave me a Ride to the Bank Station because he was Roleplaying a News Reporter (Thats what he told me) and we were driving to the Bank i wanted to Lockpick the Police car, so i jumped out and saw the Police officer runing to Matt Hardy and at that moment i ran past him and Talked to the other guy in the Police car because he Robbed me in another Life (i just normally talked to him and did NOT do anything)as the Officer drove off i said "Im gonna Rob the bank" as a joke to get his Attention because i wanted to Lockpick the car, as i saw the Police car was just continuing driving i did run back to the Quadbike to get in as "ride in back" and at that moment i just got Tazed and putten off the QUadbike. after that i got Restrained, I appereantly "Commited" a crime for saying a Joke to get his Attention. but OK i got restrained thats still not bad for me, then it Commes 50K Ticket? For Saying a Joke? as far as i am aware the officer has to give a ticket 3Times before putting him in Jail. BUt the officer Crazykiler just gave it once and then wanted to put me straight in Jail, i just couldn't deal with an officer that Brakes a rule. and then i "Combatlogged" and got Banned for it. That is what happened from my Point of View


Opa Rotbart

So you where going to pay it the second or third time then? Normally people run around screaming I am going to rob the bank are trolls, which I deal with a lot, if there is no roleplay I am not going to waste my time there are 2 aims in the game for me....

1) Have good roleplay scenarios with everyone, do my role, and have a laugh doing it

2) Locking up trolls no questions asked so it doesn't ruin the experience for others

Sometimes people bitch and moan, but they don't combat log especially not for no reason, if your annoyed by my actions your not going to enjoy the server 

So you where going to pay it the second or third time then? Normally people run around screaming I am going to rob the bank are trolls, which I deal with a lot, if there is no roleplay I am not going to waste my time there are 2 aims in the game for me....

1) Have good roleplay scenarios with everyone, do my role, and have a laugh doing it

2) Locking up trolls no questions asked so it doesn't ruin the experience for others

Sometimes people bitch and moan, but they don't combat log especially not for no reason, if your annoyed by my actions your not going to enjoy the server 
Well if you followed the rules rather than making them up (Issuing 50k tickets for a joke, and sending people to jail without issuing them a ticket) as you went along then people wouldnt get annoyed with you. I remember saying in the video I was going to report you, your reply was "its not the first time you have heard it" Have bells started ringing in your head how much you begin to annoy people by making things up as you go along?!

Thats your assumption to believe we were trolling! Maybe everyone in the server is a troll in your eyes?

Im starting to think Joe your caught up in some make believe world in your head where you actually think your a copper! 

Personally the combat logging is obviously a strict server rule but the way you dealt with the whole situation was out of hand and you could have just gone on your merry way escorting that dude that did rob the bank to jail.

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So you where going to pay it the second or third time then? Normally people run around screaming I am going to rob the bank are trolls, which I deal with a lot, if there is no roleplay I am not going to waste my time there are 2 aims in the game for me....

1) Have good roleplay scenarios with everyone, do my role, and have a laugh doing it

2) Locking up trolls no questions asked so it doesn't ruin the experience for others

Sometimes people bitch and moan, but they don't combat log especially not for no reason, if your annoyed by my actions your not going to enjoy the server 
No i would not have paid it, because i have no Money. Why Troll? Why is it trolling if i say a joke to get your Attention so i can Lockpick your Police car? So this isn't roleplay in your eyes? ALright then. HOW could this joke ruin the experience for other People?  I had a Reason my reason was that you did Not follow the rules Especially as a Cop whic i just can't stand sorry but if i see a Cop braking a rule i can't deal with it. i don't have the Expectation for you to be Perfect and do no Error in your life, we are all Humans and everyone makes errors i think we can both agree on that. don't forget i wanted to Lockpick your car thats why i yelled "Im gonna Rob the bank" as a Joke in the first place. 1 Guy in the server can't ruin my Experience, if you don't like me or even hate me i don't really care at all to be honest.

No I do not think I am a copper but I follow the server rules and these rules include being professional, it's a roleplaying server :

role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game is a game in which players assume the roles ofcharacters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[ Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.

and as for the rules I followed them by the book: This book to be exact https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcN3bJIWj5jmzCn9vbUDekMfG9VHKy6xyHf4NcBczds/edit#, under the public order act

for more details of the public order act http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64, Education is a valuable thing 

No I do not think I am a copper but I follow the server rules and these rules include being professional, it's a roleplaying server :

role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game is a game in which players assume the roles ofcharacters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[ Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.

and as for the rules I followed them by the book: This book to be exact https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcN3bJIWj5jmzCn9vbUDekMfG9VHKy6xyHf4NcBczds/edit#, under the public order act

for more details of the public order act http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64, Education is a valuable thing 
ROTFLMFAO - Sorry I had to fall on the floor and laugh

So your telling me you're not pretending to be a copper linking people to the public order act? Seriously dude, its a RPG server but theres limits and your head is to far up it! Joe get with the real world dude, its a game - A GAME

No I do not think I am a copper but I follow the server rules and these rules include being professional, it's a roleplaying server :

role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game is a game in which players assume the roles ofcharacters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.[ Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.

and as for the rules I followed them by the book: This book to be exact https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcN3bJIWj5jmzCn9vbUDekMfG9VHKy6xyHf4NcBczds/edit#, under the public order act

for more details of the public order act http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64, Education is a valuable thing 
I was Roleplaying wasn't i? I Tried to get your attention by saying a Joke to Lockpick your Policecar. You follow the RUle by the book? You didn't do it Yesterday. You only gave 1 Ticket. and Education is a really valuable thing, atleast we agree on that

Can I ask a question, why are you so desperate to play this server if you don't like how me and all the other people whitelisted in the police have to preform, we all have to read people there rights, follow real laws, and real procedures it's a requirement to get into the police on this server, because it's a realistic server, I am not the only one who has to do it all of us HAVE to.

Can I ask a question, why are you so desperate to play this server if you don't like how me and all the other people whitelisted in the police have to preform, we all have to read people there rights, follow real laws, and real procedures it's a requirement to get into the police on this server, because it's a realistic server, I am not the only one who has to do it all of us HAVE to.
You are only 1Guy as i said. i never said i don't like all other People? Well this Server here has its own rules so those are the Legit rules for me. If a server has its own Rules i don't care about the Real Rule because in the end effect its the Server RUle i wil have to follow not the Real life Rule

Can I ask a question, why are you so desperate to play this server if you don't like how me and all the other people whitelisted in the police have to preform, we all have to read people there rights, follow real laws, and real procedures it's a requirement to get into the police on this server, because it's a realistic server, I am not the only one who has to do it all of us HAVE to.
Because every other copper in the server isn't as anal as you pal thats why. I got invited to play on the server by some friends and you just spoilt the whole experience for me by dishing out tickets and and not taking jokes. I played the role of a journalist (or "pressman" as you call it) to juice it up a little

Id be happy to come back in the server and carry on RPG'ing but Ill be leaving if I come across you in it because I feel that you will find some way of issuing me a ticket or something

There's rule then there's laws, The rules are things like no trolling/hacking, the Laws in-game which lead to your arrest are the real life laws so you are choosing to play in a strict server, the difference between the Server rules and laws is you don't have to follow the laws, just don't cry when you get arrested I played as a rebel for months and got arrested a lot even if I thought it was unfair they did what they have been told to do 

There's rule then there's laws, The rules are things like no trolling/hacking, the Laws in-game which lead to your arrest are the real life laws so you are choosing to play in a strict server, the difference between the Server rules and laws is you don't have to follow the laws, just don't cry when you get arrested I played as a rebel for months and got arrested a lot even if I thought it was unfair they did what they have been told to do 
Here you go again with your trolling assumptions again!! Who was crying, I was laughing my ass off when you attempted to give me a 50k ticket!

There's rule then there's laws, The rules are things like no trolling/hacking, the Laws in-game which lead to your arrest are the real life laws so you are choosing to play in a strict server, the difference between the Server rules and laws is you don't have to follow the laws, just don't cry when you get arrested I played as a rebel for months and got arrested a lot even if I thought it was unfair they did what they have been told to do 
I'm Not Crying, im just explaining the Sitatuion from my Point of View. and i don't get mad at being Arrested, i got mad at you breaking the Rule. i have been in so many servers and im tired of seeing Police "Abusing" their power/not following the rules

There is no rule saying I have to give you three tickets, non at all, it's a common misconception and used at officers discretion, you can look for yourself

Its a game that we all take very seriously.... if that's not something you like then there are other less roleplay altis servers out there.

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