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Unban Vladmir

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This will probably not look good, but i was banned for VDM today too. Id just like to say that I have not driven over anyone today, and that while in kavala, i got pulled over for something. Before we could get to what was going on someone stole my car and drove over me and a police officer.

Other than that, i've driven slowly past a group of police officers, probing them in hopes of managing to help a friend of me escape them.

I can honestly say i have not VDMed any one today, so i think theres been a misunderstanding. The ban message said "KR VDM 0906", i dont really know what "KR" stands for so i dont know if that was something else ive done? I read up on the rules yesterday, and i cant really see anything i have broken.

I hope we can resolve this together, and i'll be lurking in the Teamspeak if you wish to talk to me.

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Also, i'd like to ask (as i read Vasili Pupkin's ban appeal linked ) how your ban system works. I can see from your forum that you are 3 staff members on the website, but do you have more staff members on the server?

If so, could it have been a misunderstanding with the cop that got killed by my car, thinking i got back in and drove him over?

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Um, its been 3 days now..

I can honestly say i did nothing wrong so could we please try to resolve this matter so i could go on enjoying the server?

Unsure what happened, but if you read the rules willing to give it another try.

Please PM me your GUID and link me to this thread.


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