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Unban TS/Forum

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Appealing to be unbanned from the forums and TS seems I was banned for 'lying' but yet I don't see any where in the rules or anywhere on this website saying that is a banable offence (even though I never lied).
I see that you can be banned for advertising another community etc but I never advertised anything, I was simply telling an admin (Ciaran) that other community's are rubbing there hands together over these bans and fishing players that was all. I never mentioned another community so for Wilco to turn around and say he spoke to that 'community' is wrong because I NEVER mentioned a community for him to ask.

Please understand this is simply a request to be unbanned from the forums and TS not your actual game server. If I decided to come back I would then appeal for that in a separate thread.


I found which community it was in seconds and spoke to there admin, you didn't hide that very well.

We don't like liars here and that is why you was banned, Its funny how you contact Ciaran providing this information like some sort of unban sweeter.

Sorry Porkchop but you are no longer welcome here.

Why the fuck would he do that. He is most likely (guessing) telling the truth. So why give more information to make his ban permanent?

So you are saying Porkchop is most likely telling the truth, that means you think Porkchop is not capable of lying.. Indirectly saying Wilco is the liar? I do not know who is, but apparently one of the two is.. =P

It really is a shame.

I personally think you will leave it about 2 months , come back and everyone will forgive you :p

But for now, I guess this is the end of Porkchop.

Well he also had a rage tweet on twitter towards us which he then deleted.

Porkchop clearly RDM'ed there was no question about it... the funny thing was all we needed like we do with all unban requests (this is why we have this process) is a quick yes i RDM'ed someone in the video... i have re-read the rules and i wont do it again.

But not Porkchop, instead it was a immature toys out of the pram situation.

I was waiting for the "it was my brother playing" excuse because that's the best way to get unbanned :)

Well he also had a rage tweet on twitter towards us which he then deleted.

Porkchop clearly RDM'ed there was no question about it... the funny thing was all we needed like we do with all unban requests (this is why we have this process) is a quick yes i RDM'ed someone in the video... i have re-read the rules and i wont do it again.

But not Porkchop, instead it was a immature toys out of the pram situation.
Manners go a long way. 


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