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Unban Request

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PC Kenyon

Your In-game name: Farage/ PCSO Kenyon

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198027082976

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 


Date & Time you was banned: 06/05/15 9:59 AM

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 1C)[SIZE=medium]Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and punished by a ban[/SIZE]

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I was acting completely stupid and I'm sorry. I was playing as an off-duty cop with a few other cops and we were going about doing legal activities for a laugh and a break from police duties. We were pretty much being harrased by TKC and TI all day and had been kidnapped multiple times by them (can be verified by other cops i was on with) they seemed to be meta gaming because we actually killed them in self defense after they kidnapped us the first time, but yet they found us again and kidnapped us agian. Understandably I was getting very annoyed as I just wanted to play the game with my friends. Anyway, it was 6AM in the morning I was very tired and literally just about to go to bed when low and behold TKC/TI pull up next to me and my 2 other friends and we are kidnapped again.

On the way to the destination I pleaded with them out of roleplay saying look guys, you've been at this all day can I please go I seriously need to go to bed. They completely ignored me and mocked me. I tried multiple times asking if I could please be spared the kidnapping this once due to the time and be being very very tired. They simply replied with "it's tough" etc. This clearly angered me and from them on I was very very pissed off so I decided to be abusive and un-cooperative in order to try and force them to release me due to them not wanting to listen to my shouting and singing anymore. I was singing "LALALALA" all the way there a long with my friends. I also did say the words mentioned but It was not out of roleplay in my opinion. I have never ever met TI Shannon before as I've only recently returned to the community a few days ago so there's no possible way that my abusive words could be out of roleplay. I was just being generally abusive within roleplay. I was also saying other things to Godric like "Get out of my face your breath stinks" etc. Just generally trying to annoy them enough to let me go.

Anyway i'm sorry that the person who reported me was offended by my actions but as I have outlined I definitely did not attend them to hurt someone in the way that they did. I acted completely out of anger and within role-play in my opinion. I'm not in anyway xenophobic or homophobic and if you have ever spoken to me on team-speak I'm actually a nice guy. If Shannon would of at any-point tried to contact me past the "whatever." text i received after explaining I was attempting RP due to them being a hairy bush I would have resolved this with the person on team-speak.

I was not attempting to "Bully" said person in any way shape or form. Please understand this and I am sincerely sorry.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 

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After this un-ban request was posted I've spoken to TI Shannon to explain how sincerely sorry I am, we have resolved the issue between us and agree that there is no bad blood between us. I explained how I was sorry about my words and in return TI Shannon agreed they may have reported me a little hastily before speaking to me.

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Me - Steph - The protector of innocent people - will look into this and make a decision shortly!

Approved - Action Taken - 07/05/15

I talked to Shannon and it was confirmed that he really apologized for his actions.

You are now on your last chance.

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