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Unban Request

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Sgt. Russell O.

New member
Okay so this is the first time I was playing on the server and was very surprised to see some very strict rules, with the admin (Wilco) perma-banning people for doing things which could of been handled by a warning. My surprise caused me to say something childish by calling Wilco a nazi (even though i didn't technically call him it but i guess i kind of did) 

Anyway I see that I am totally in the wrong here and would like to Apologise to wilco for said comment and promise that it will never happen again and i hope that i could be unbanned.

(in game name -> Sgt. Russell, O

The reason I banned you for this is because we have German players here and also a lot of Europeans who would find the mark offensive.

Please read the rules, we are a strict roleplay community we ban and then follow the appeal up afterwards to protect our server

This is why we are first in the UK and 8th in the world.

Please let me know once you have read the rules and reply to this post and ill unban you.

Ok, Can you PM me with your GUID (you can get this by joining a server than runs battleye and it should pop up in the text section on the bottom left corner)

Please take a screenshot.

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