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Unban Request - Thad Castle (Unbanned 30/12/2014)

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New member

Today i got banned because of a forum report by TFT, the reason that i was banned is because in their eyes i RDM'ed them, they were watching people robbing someone at the drug dealer, i belonged to the people that were robbing the guys that got shot with [Doro] infront of their name, i was a bit further away when it started and decided to run towards the area where the robbing was going on untill i saw this guys behind walls with guns out, so in a quik decision i thaught they belonged to the people that we were robbing and shot them. In their eyes indeed RDM.. The *Extremely* offensive language is a bit weird, as i roleplay a bit offensively.. It's a game on the internet, don't get hurt by words to fast. It's a roleplay server, it aint about flowers and sunshine..

Anyway, i feel like i should not have been banned as i had to make a decision in a split second while my friends were fighting people and these guys were on the wrong place at the wrong time.. They actually were robbing my friend's house aswell.. 


Thad Castle

There videos can be found here

As you can see they show proof what I am saying below

Our Counter Video

Basically we get in a gun fight after our men gets fired at and then our man turns up and see armed men
watching over the scene so he fires assuming there part of the first group that fired on us.
in hindsight you can see that there not part of the same group by watching there video intel we did not have at the time.
but when your team is being fired at and you don't know how many hostlies there is. and there
is armed men with there weapons Un-Holstered/Drawn looking at the scene.

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The drug dealer at Kavala is a hot spot for illegal activites with the selling of drugs police action and robbing of said drug sellers.

There is often one or two guys hanging around there looking for the chance of some easy cash.

Our group does this area with 4/6 man teams each covering the next.

We always RP our target giving them options to disarm or if need be we take it up a notch.

This night alot of armed groups seem to have been in the area so `i`m not sure what people expect when we are fired on ?

Stick our hands  up?

We shot back at all ppl in the area that was armed .... so how was this a real RDM ?

They was in the wrong place wrong time fully armed in a fire fight and got shot...... Next time run away or wave a white flag.

Ive said it before and Ill say it again you must ensure that the person you are about to execute knows the reason why or you will find yourself here asking to be unbanned.

Post here that you have read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID for a last chance.

Read the rules..

In this case it's :  ((RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.))

Player ID: 76561197984779400


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