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[Unban Request] H4X

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United Kingdom
I been banned today, 10minutes ago by wilco.
Wilco , What was the reason Random Death Match ?

On who and when . can i see the post link ?

Cuz i dont remember about a random death match done on anyone. atleast not random..

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Im sorry, maybe i have a bad attitude now but . lets be serious . many staff members are online .. and you never reply .if you reply is once at 3-4 days, after you reply you would say that "I will consider unbanning you when I have some spare time. Which may not be today."     <---- thats a quote.

I dont say that in a bad way because i know your not many but still ,.. dont say that when you have some spare time because an unban takes 2 minutes maximum and you cannot say that you dont have spare time. thats the reason of you being there to help us isnt it ?

If im wrong in any way please tell me .. but even if you have something to do .. dont say you cannot do today cuz you dont have spare time... is not something nice and will not make the staff member having a good feedback . also will not make you to have a great respect from others trying to make people waiting for you. is not taking time and always says when someone posted something new on forum, dont have to search for it.

^^^^^ This is my opinion now... maybe you have a different one.

Thank you.

obviously . show the whole video not just when i have attacked you . watch 30 mins ago when you  guys and my friend estileht were to the cacaine field . you told him to get down from the car. and to dont be worried that you are friendly . you told him to drop the gun down . then you knocked him to the floor + robbed + killed him as a reason that he tried to run.. is that allowed ? dont you show that aswell.?  go on . is in the same video. That is called not revange. is self-defence(protection). we been allowed to get a revenge(to protect or selves) .. cuz they killed my friend first.. and no one said nothing . have the server status all what happened ingame .. you can check the mysql database and see all the history kills and all.. watch that wilco.

mysql have to have an activity of the server. of what everything happens.

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Nope,  My freind said he is freindly. im absolutly not freindly sence what u did yesterday. he isnt getting banned for this video. you are. your freind was bannan dou to this video : 

i dont care about that video and dont change the subject , the subject was this of what happened today yea? and you dont show the VIDEO ! show it all and then talk. dont change the subject, you killed him in tthe cocaine field and we had the allowence to protect or to defend our selves . is all right for the server rules .when someone is killion someone from your side. your allowed to kill him . yea ? so you killed my friend im allow to shot you down no matter what you say . when i killed your friend today  . you killed me back . is same thing what your saying . so shall you be banned for that ? show the video and then report me .. dont just cut the video. the report proofs is the whole video not just a part of it. think im gonna be kidded by you with 1 minute video after you cut it ?

Sorry wilco but that cannot be considered a proof. thats a cutted video . tell him to upload the whole video in the cocain field also then we see whos lying. DOT

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im not even reading what you are writing. as u said wilco can read the files. if wilco demands the video that is inzanly long sence u came back and came back ill give it to him perssonally tomorow. 


sureeee personally .. go on upload it right now but you wont do it cuz your scared and also know that  you have no proofs to report me after you killed my friend. you killed him for no reason also engaged me aswell.. cuz he wasnt far from me and we were talking you killed him so i been engaged aswell in that moment cuz you were shooting so this means is self protection thats not a proof. you have to show the whole video as i said to take this proof in serious or not . you want to give him personally to cut up to wherever you want and to not show what you have to . your gonna cut it more than sure again in your favor.

wilco if your going to tell me that your supporting these guys which have no respect or honor to tell the truth atleast and to say that he killed my friend and everything .. you was talking about being a mature community... is that mature .. they are not saying the truth as kids... wow .. great job...

That would be disrespectfull if i will see that... getting banned for no reason and then to find out your supporting the liers.. i cannot say nothing anymore .. im not sad but .. just saying .. is something wierd.. you have the whole server you can check .. or tell the guys to show you the whole video from where they went first inside the cocaine field.. they might change the video to cut it over night but .. i dont mind .. they are really childish if they do it.

btw: if this is your birth day. im really but seriously really sorry what you are. 24 years old . childish lying .. ;) ) thats amaizing unbelievable. [ no respect ]


Thank you.

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alright . is there any way wilco you to unban me ? if im apologiseing and promise that ill use a recorder camera or something to have proofs .. and also if i promise  that i wont shot anyone anymore if he dosnt shoot first on me ?

because i see that you take each one . 1 by 1 ... the posts but my one you skip . im just saying if you would do something about it :|


Actually let me tell you something different..

I have bought this game 1 or 1 and a half week ago, i started playing multi-player of 3 days ago .. and this is my first server on which i ever played, i didnt knew any rule when i came and not even the buttons of how to change the view and everything . i meet some guys which were friends and they explained me a bit of arma 3 .. but i couldnt learn everything in 1 day . after that day i been pretty much on my own .. untill i found like 1 day ago estileht which teached me a bit more about this game on how to do money , and all this kind of stuff.

so please tell me if im wrong but how you espect someone which is playing a game .. of 3 days .. his first 3 days ... to know everything and to do everything right. ah ?i never saw something like that in my life.. so i may have a chance to get unbanned . im so serious .. you can see that on my steam also of what time i bought the game and how much i played. in 3 days i tried to play as much as i can .. 12 hours per day ... or ever more /. and now im banned.. feel a bit bad.. but im just asking you.

Q: How was you in your first 3 days of arma 3 ? Did you knew everything , and even about rules.. after you buy a game.. in the first days dont realy pay attention to them because you are excited to play the game not to read ..


Just saying..

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x Funny server ,


actually do whatever you want . if you want to ban me  just ban me ... nvm .

bad idea to join this server .. no support team ... 1 day to have at least 1 reply and no at all from any admin is a bit dissapointing.. and dont take me with is bussy cuz is a bit stupid if im start thinking about it , whatever.

Close this topic. is alright.

I understand how this server works, pointless to play.

to get banned from first 3 days of playing a game . no chances to be unbanned. have to wait 1 week for reply . what can i say . maybe you laugh . really dont mind cuz still is stupid the feedback . i dont know how stupid i been to join this server. cuz the attitude of your is incredible . nothing at all .. none of the admin cares of players.. all the time online but no reply at all . all are ingame playing .. pff they are 3 and all are playing , the customer service/ support is at the ground somewhere so deep.

@ Serious Roleplay Community @ so you mean that if i shoot someone in real life " god " will eliminate me from the world. i wont be arrested.. or something ill be killed ill be banned from the world , cutting my head to death. idk .. your rules doesnt make sense say that your serious community and is roleplay but is not at all .. the police is to send the bad people to jail and then get banned ... wow .. so if someone shoot in the city, he will get arrested + banned

whats the point of being arrested .. cuz anyway is getting banned without warnings.. great job.

Take care.

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The reason they did that to estileht was because he is a know VDMER at the fields. He has VDM me and some others(was 2 temps there with no owners) there for no reason. I was actually sitting on the ground and then he comes up in a suv and starts to come at me full speed and kills me. When i got back to the coke field he was still there doing it and with another guy.I ended up killing him and the other guy(cause he also tried to do it again to me)

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Yea i'm locking this thread until Wilco unlocks it or posts on it, because you just keep posting more and more stuff that aren't proofs or constructive criticism,

By locking doesn't mean you won't get unbanned,

yea but i cannot do any proof what time i dont have any video .. and they do have it but i cannot take it from them , is their video and they do whatever they want with it . is not main

but seriously. i want to play back but ..  i dont wanna really wait that much because if i would wait weeks .. as other people says i would get borred of waiting and leave.. is not because i wouldnt still enjoying your server but will be like.. i would wasted so much time when i could do something in your server .. so i really wouldnt like that to happen

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Give time to Wilco, because until he says your not getting unbanned, you should have hope.

No support team ? 

I am sorry but we do not have any timeframe for unban requests... you break the rules you wait until we respond.

The fact you kept posting put your thread to the top of the forum which is considered the back of the list, I will review this when I get to it.

I have also just checked teamspeak and you have entered the following : <00:23:15> "H4X": thats why people are leaving mate.. you dont respect them you see yourself much higher then them and ignore think if you ignore poeple you will be respected ? the guys which does are so stupids... why people would respect others which doesnt respect them.. dont get these people

<00:33:57> "H4X": Dont wonder why people leave take care
I respect every user that follows the rules for the record, People are leaving ? .... the past 2 nights we have had 160 across 2 servers, the rest of your comment makes no sence
Also adding this comment into consideration - "H4X": tell the wilco i apreciate everything what he does on the server.  ( NOTHING! ) dont wonder why people are leaving.

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