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Unban Request (Denied)

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
yesterday i was in car accident with a police officer there was a car in the middle of the road so i had to go round the car on the wrong side of the road i was at the car before they got up the road so i proceeded to go around the car at this point the police officer could clearly see i was coming round the car but instead he carried on going and slammed into my vehicle i then high tailed it into the hills and was caught and put into a vehicle. The reason i combat logged is because my dads car was recently broken into outside our house and the police turned up to take a look at the car i already missed them once from playing so i had to go down and answer the door i know this may sound like an excuse but i had to sort my dads car out im sorry i combat logged i know its a ban-able offence and i wouldn't of done it if this wasn't so urgent. I am sorry this happened and it wont happen again hopefully this can be sorted. 

Please send us a photo of the police report (with your details blurred out of course) then we would believe this random made up excuse.

im sorry there is no police report they only gave a number to tell them when we ring up about the situation basically i live in a quite rough area and someone broke into my dad vehicle on the passenger side broke the steering lock on the car then broke the steering wheel off and left it on the ground the officer came round to find fingerprints and he said because of the texture of the steering wheel he couldnt get fingerprints also they didnt cut themselves in the process so there was no blood and the car on the outside where it was raining before they shown up the car was wet so they couldnt get any off the side of the car this is all the information i can give you on the situation i missed the officer the first time when he knocked at the door because i had my headset on then i got a phonecall from my mother to tell me to answer the door when they knock again so i turned off my pc and waited for the officer to knock which he knocked 15mins later so im sorry i combat logged i know its a bannable offence and i wouldnt of done it otherwise hope you can believe me and give me another chance. thanks

ive never been banned before or even been reported on the forums ive only had one comment on the forum which said i was a great RP player  i do know the rules of the server and i understand what i did was wrong but in the situation i had at home i had to leave i am sorry hope this can be resolved and forgiven 

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