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unban please

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i got banned because i vdm ed someone but you dont know why i killed him because i had 100k on me and he start shooting at me ....

can i please get a unban

my ingame name is Pieter

all I can say is, lots of counts of:

It's an RP server, I don't care if they stole all your clothes and made you spin in circles singing "you spin me right round baby right round" (least then you'd be Role Playing), You are opening fire on people without an attempting to take a role other than "banned Player".

However, It's upto the Admins

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Nah, If I had shadowplayed earlier, there were random gunshots at people. and as said, it's not the only incident.

i was playing on the server for a few days so is there a possebiletie to buy my a unban or something because this is the best server for altis life i have found pleasee unban

please give me a last opportunity to do it right and i will follow the rules and will listen to any police officer or admin

Can you explain why you was shooting people in the greenzone ? What roleplay reason do you have ?

i was trying to get some building because i am a rebel and i want to make some money some i hope that i can get some money from htat hold up

This seems like you WAS trying to kill a building to make money as you IS rebel. How does shooting random people in a greenzone earn you money? please share your secret?

You was banned for VDM... and this.

Please read our rules as per other post we will give you another try, the moment you fuck up then sorry there is no further unban appeal.

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