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Unban Please (Unbanned 24/02/2015)

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Active member
Saudi Arabia
Your In-game name : Legendary2150
Your Steam Profile ID : 76561198123742617
Your GUID : f0744f1929cc5f67c56bf0a1122161b0
Date & Time you was banned : 29 November 2014
Please copy and paste the rule you broke : 1B) Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit. 
2B) Abuse, spam and attacks towards the admin(s) is not acceptable and will result in a permanent ban.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance : I am banned from a long time ago and I learned the lesson that I should not combat Log out so please Unban me and I promise I will role play more and never break the rules again give me my final chance please and I will never spam the admin again on TeamSpeak .
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here : The post has been deleted its an old post
Thread is here:

How did you abuse admins?
I was sending wilco messages to check my ban appeal and I he checked it and made it check again after 2 days I got in a rage mode and told wilco u have bad admins please forgive me I will never do it again give me a final chance

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Well I dont know what abuse you gave Wilco and as he actions the unbans to the database Im sure he will remember how offensive it was and reply accordingly.

Approved as long as the abuse can be forgiven.

Unbanned... no doubt you will be banned again!.... next time dont be a idiot like last time please.

Hope in the time you have been banned you have done some growing up.

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