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Unban me and my friend

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Hello there dear mister admin,

I really enjoy to play on your server and I've been playing a while on it.

I have lots of fun RP with the cops and with other people in the game.

Yesterday my friends and I were drunk and we decided to do something stupid...

we were trolling around in kavala and drove 4 guys over at the garage. unfotunatly I got banned doing that.

I know it was a mistake but things happend and a video game is fun aslong as you have fun :3

I've learned by my mistakes and I have lots of friends playing on your server and they're asking me to comeback!

I hope we could solve this.

My friend had intense amount of lagg 4 days ago and drove over a cop and killed him afther a discussion with the cop he got banned... I hope for him that you could spare him and give him another chance in the Altis world.

Anyway I love to record video's on your server.

Ingame names: 


Nomnivoree (friend)

Kind regards,



Here's why.

Your 'crime' went on all night last night. I gave you a second (and third) chance while spectating you at various points in the evening after reports from other players, because you didn't actually get caught in the act until quite late. Then, what I saw going on at Kavala Garage was just childish nonsense, and a lot of other players died as a result.

You show no remorse whatsoever. To you, it's 'unfortunate' that you got banned... To the rest of us, it's fortunate. The only unfortunate thing is it took me a while to catch you at it, but I was busy dealing with serveral other idiot-related issues at the same time. You attempt to justify your action by saying 'it's fun as long as YOU have fun' - well fuck that attitude, you selfish moron. It's not so much fun for the players who've lost all their kit and weapons, or dropped piles of cash for others to steal, is it? It's not so much fun for the admins who have to deal with the clear-up, compensate other players, and convince people that we take RDMing fools seriously, is it?

The nearest you actually come to apologising is the admission that you 'made a mistake'. No, that's bullshit. A mistake is writing a word down wrong, or dialling a wrong number - what you did was a DELIBERATE ACT. It's only a mistake to you now, because you got banned.

I don't really care whether the Queen herself is asking you to come back, frankly - you will serve out some time in the sin-bin until I decide whether or not to give you a second chance. I have just as many people telling me - FFS, don't let that idiot back on, he'll just do it again; he's a squeaky troll.

So. At this busy time, over the weekend when many other players want to play, and we are at our most 'showcase-like', you can sit on the sidelines and reconsider your 'mistake'. When I truly believe that you have the first clue of the rules, and why we have them, and when I believe you actually GIVE a toss, rather than are just attempting to barter with me to get your place back without actually apologising, I *might* let you in.

But now? No. Sweat it out. It's called punishment. Go YouTube yourself sitting in your bedroom with a sign around your neck saying "RDM=BAN - I FAILZ" whilst twiddling your thumbs for a weekend. I'm sure it'll do your Youtube stats a power of good.

ubannedbro. freverbro.


I know it was a mistake but things happend and a video game is fun aslong as you have fun :3
Although i wasn't going to comment anything else besides bro, i just wanted to leave a reply to that guy:

Do you think all the other guys you vdm/rdm were happy on the game when ou killed them? If it was you, you would go staright to forums to report it right? It means you wouldn't like it either.


@vincent nah, if im getting killed in any game weither is will be hardcore or not I wouldn't complain on the servers. I would take revenge or call the cops to invest it... 

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