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Unban Haza_Ftw

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New member
Was playing on the server at 1pm GMT 2/7/14 And me and Haza_Ftw were just making money. A random guys started to troll in the side chat annoying everyone. Several people told him to shut up and with in seconds all these people were banned (including Haza) it then took several minutes for the guy to be banned. Long story short he was banned for trying to tell someone to shut up. He would post this himself but offered as i already have an account on here

i think i was on when this happened.(not sure) but when people tell someone to shut up it lags making 2 words last for 10 seconds. Then more people come on yelling and it just adds up. Idk if its ban worthy , maybe just a 1 day ban or something. I had to mute like 10 people which then ends up effecting rp. Cause i mute them i cant hear them on direct either.

Now i'm sure Haza was the chap I complained about in game to the admins (I may be wrong, but i'm 99% sure). If I am indeed right, this particular chap was banned for being an utter moron in sidechat despite the pleas of other players he continued to spam side chat resulting in a mass votekick, several frustrated players and an admin ban.

If for some reason there's another player with "Haza" in his name then I apologise but if this chap was indeed banned yesterday (not today as you mention) then the ban hammer should stand IMO.

Please comment to the claims of friendlyfireguy ?

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You havent come back, If you still want to discuss please PM me with a reply to the claims of friendlyfireguy.

Many Thanks

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