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Unban for GetzTheGoldfish & TightCheddar (No response)

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New member
Ingame name and guid.

IGN1: GetzTheGoldfish


IGN2: Tighcheddar


Original report:


This is what you could call a response but also a ban appeal and me trying to resolve this issue since me and my partner tightcheddar are banned from the server.

Mr CreatorChris has posted an report that has unfortunately been approved which is outright blasphemy, me and my partner acted with the word and under supervision of god and we roleplayed this entire time and after CreatorChris like a madman throwing himself infront of my automobile causing him to be 'vdmed' that he started throwing around words such as "I will murder your pet goose" and "you are worse than the plague" causing us to lose our temper after trying to comfort him and talk him down time after time, when i say lose our temper i mean shooting him in the head after explaining that if he would not stop then we would make him stop and we did, we also explained to CreatorChris that we were armed and not afraid to use force if he would come between us and our task.

Yes, we shot chris and no we did not act out of self pity or due to childhood problems even though i had an abusive father, no we acted the way we did since CreatorChris needed a lesson learned.

I have also made a representation of the events during that evening with my artistic skills which you may view below.


And a translation into Arabic for our non english friends:


هذا هو ما يمكن أن تسميه استجابة ولكن أيضا نداء الحظر ولي محاولة حل هذه المسألة منذ لي وشريكي شيدر ضيق ممنوعة من الخادم.

وقد شارك السيد الخالق كريس تقرير الذي للأسف تمت الموافقة وهو الكفر البواح، لي وشريكي تصرفت مع الكلمة وتحت إشراف الله ونحن لعبت دور هذا الوقت كله وبعد الخالق كريس كالمجنون رمي نفسه امام بلدي السيارات مما تسبب له أن يكون أنه بدأ رمي حول كلمات مثل "أنا سوف يقتل أوزة المفضل لديك" و "أنت أسوأ من الطاعون" مما تسبب لنا أن يفقد أعصابه لدينا بعد محاولة تهدئته وإقناعه بالنزول مرة بعد مرة، عندما كنت مثلا يفقد أعصابه لدينا أعني اطلاق النار عليه في الرأس بعد شرح أنه إذا انه لن يتوقف بعد ذلك نحن سيجعله وقف وفعلنا، شرحنا أيضا إلى الخالق كريس أننا كنا المسلحة ولا يخافون لاستخدام القوة اذا كان من شأنها أن تأتي بين لنا ومهمتنا.

نعم، نحن بالرصاص كريس وأي أننا لم يتصرف بدافع الشفقة الذاتية أو بسبب مشاكل الطفولة حتى ولو كان لي أب المسيئة، لا تصرفنا كما فعلنا منذ الخالق كريس حاجة تعلمت درسا.

لقد جعلت أيضا تمثيل للأحداث خلال ذلك المساء مع مهاراتي الفنية التي قد الاطلاع أدناه.

Edit: added spoiler tags. No one here needs to read this in Arabic.

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I don't even know what to make of this.... firstly the people commenting read the rules around appeals your replys have been deleted

Secondly this is your unban request, your friend needs to open his own.

I don't know if this is serious or what... by the drawing and explanation i am guessing its not ?

No response from player. If you still wish to be unbanned please open another thread linking this one and answer any questions asked.

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