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Unban Carcas


Neptune Beach,FL,USA
Ok your probably confused why im making this. (carcas does not have a user name on here).Wilco you were there when we were robbing guys(matrix thought it was funny) and i knocked you out(other guys were scared to) then that guy vdm division. Then you saw caracas shooting at a guy in a car. The guy would not stop his car and carcas gave warnings many times to stop or he will kill him. He then started to shot out tires so guy would not drive anymore but made the mistake of a head shot.

I do understand if you dont want to unban him(maybe you saw something i did not). Just maybe a warning would be ok?

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Carcas was shooting at a person which he nearly killed in the greenzone, I was watching and there clearly was not any drug related run roleplay.

This sort of action is for the red zone only.

We always perm ban, Carcas needs to come on here and explain why he was attempting to RDM in the greenzone.

Hi Wilco...!

I will tell my side of the story and what kind of play i and my friends were doing and if u feel its not enough for a unban i respect that.

We were 5 guys in a Frit doing some roleplay robbery. We came into Kavala and we saw a guy standing beside a SUV. So we made a decision to rob him so we stopped the Frit and yelled:

-This is a robbery....!   

And the guys ran to him trying to rob the guy. But he went in to his SUV and drove away and thats when i saw him driving the car away from us so i yelled him to stop the car or ill shot several times but he continued his escape. So i tried to shoot the tires to stop him and we could catch up to him. Soon after that moment i was almost VDM:ed by a White sportslooking hatchback.....and there i also tried to shoot the tires. 

So the shots i shot in that situation were only to stop the cars and not killing so i never took shots at civs on the street that were there.

I think if u talk to ppl i play with and officers of the law i always try to roleplay it if there is a chance. And if i did it wrong i will hear what u will say about how i should act in those situations....


wilco more than sure you will aprove this and will close your eyes to what he done .. but if i would be him .. which it happened.. and i give the explanation about all you wasnt even once replied.. see thats the difference. and had more than 10 hours waiting for you . for no reason .  really wanted to play on the server.. but if you dont want that people to have second chance, (me) cuz i was palying of 3 days.. alright. go with your @friends@ or whatever are they. ^^

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Dude we are not friends with wilco, he barely knows us. I have only talked to wilco real quick in team speak and he seems cool. But other then that we have no relationship as friends. You complaining about him wont change anything, if anything make it worse for you. Wilco has not been on forms really today cause he was in game banning people. People like you dont really get how hard his job is actually. He has to listen to people whine all day and he tries to be nice. The least you could do in return is be nice back. I was banned and took a week to get unbanned. He was really really nice to actually unban me based on circumstance. So take it easy on admins man. I guess you can put yourself in there shoes by having everyone message you with their problems and bull stories.THE reason he replied so fast was cause this happened right in front of him also. We were robbing wilco also.

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i was one of the guys with wilco and i can verrify what he said did happen. it was an accidental miss fire that was meant to be take out tires not a player.

and had more than 10 hours waiting for you . for no reason .  really wanted to play on the server.. but if you dont want that people to have second chance, (me) cuz i was palying of 3 days.. alright. go with your @friends@ or whatever are they. ^^
Well maybe if you keep talking like that, i wouldn't revise your unban aproval either, have more respect for wilco.

And don't come into other topics complaining about your situation please.

Lets give it another go, Please PM me your GUID and a link to this thread

you must be a complete shite shot because it looked like you was aiming at the car in general rather than the tyres, Please keep roleplay above just shooting randomly in the greenzone, I didnt hear any stop or ill shoot.

