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Unban Application Marsi (Unbanned 19/02/2015)

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New member
United Kingdom
Your In-game name: [EXP] Pvt. Marsi

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198145350181

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned: 11/02/2015 At 12:44PM

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:  Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Late last night at around 7:30pm a couple of members of my gang and I were flying in a Helicopter to look for a nice area for our base. When we had finished looking in that area the Helicopter Pilot experienced a large lag spike, his screen completely froze; we ended up doing a back flip at very low altitude and eventually hit the ground at around 200km/h. When we hit the ground my game instantly crashed on impact with the ground, when I had finally closed my game in task manager. I then waited for the next restart as it was only a few minutes away.

I will take full responsibility  for my game crashing, I have really enjoyed playing on the AltisLife Uk server with my friends over the past week or so. This is why I am asking you to please give me a final chance to show you that I am worthy of playing on your servers, I'm currently trying to work out the problems with my computer with various Anti Virus and Anti-Malware softwares, Please take what I have said into consideration because I would hate for this to be the end of my days on your AltisLife servers.

Thank you for your time, Marsi.

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I know Marsi personally. I can 100% back up that he would never combat log in order to gain back lost gear or money etc. The server lately has been very unstable at times and the event took place close to a restart, a naturally awkward time in terms of lag spikes and such.

Marsi is also part of a rebel gang in game in which each and every member can vouch for his reliability, including myself. They can also approve that he did not combat log and it was a game crash.

I also wish to comment on PrincessJake. He is clearly an unreliable source for the ban request for a number of reasons. One, he was not anywhere near the scene of the event and therefore has no true eyewitness account of what actually happened. Two, he hardly attempts to dissect what happened. Instead he makes use of lazy, unnecessary terms such as "seems legit". Lastly, PrincessJake can be absolutely proven as being unreliable as he states that the time the event took place was "around 9:30 PM. GTM" (yes, he said GTM instead of GMT). This statement of the time is proven wrong by this screenshot http://prntscr.com/63i0ap which shows that the chat between Marsi and PrincessJake took place from 19:32 to 19:34 GMT.

Therefore, PrincessJakes ban request upon Marsi should be rejected. Marsi is a productive, friendly, and most of all, honest member of the Altis Life community and I hope he will remain in this community for some time to come.

Note: Contact other members of the Exiles of Purgatory gang such as Dust, Mimeh, Jordan and Marvin for further information surrounding the innocence of Marsi.

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I can back up his story, too. I was in the helicopter with him and I really trust him to tell the truth. Also his Game already crashed on serveral other occasions.

I was the heli pilot, we crashed cause of a lag on my end, there was no combat at all, My ingame name, [EXP] Cpl. Mimeh

I will approve this for your final chance. I suggest you sort your game issues because there are no more chances after this,

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