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Unban Appeal - ZemperorX - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for ZemperorX 

In-game Name: ZemperorX

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198941248028

Ban ID: !!rpuk6491!!

Reason given for your ban: Exploiting the death timer: (1.5) - C2.3 - G4.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Combat logging, I'm 100% sure that I got banned from the server because I disconnect and then reconnect to the city in order to reset the timer while waiting for the NHS.

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should get unbanned because I've read all the rules clearly again, and I decided to apply for an unban appeal instead of moving on to another server because I really enjoy my time in your server, and I like the way how the staff works really hard to improve the server, in addition, I respect your final decision, thank you so much for volunteering to read my unban appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there.

Please explain to me why you did what you did and what made you think that it was okay to do so.

Hello I hope you are doing well, to be honest I was new to RP and I thought its okay to do so because in this way I'm not hurting anyone or hacking the system, but after I got banned I read the rules and I figured out that I'm not allowed to do that, in addition I'm sorry again for breaking the rules and now after I read the rules I'm interested to play in your server because its one of the biggest servers so far, thank you!

Please quote me the rule you broke and explain to why it is in place and what would happen if it wasn´t. 

Also, an unban would come with an inventory wipe, do you agree with this?

Hello. I hope everything is fine. First of all I want to start by thanking you for taking your time to reply to my email. I also want to apologize for the rule that I broke which was respawn more than once throughout the 10 mins period while being dead. I didn't know there was a rule against that since it was the first time it had happened to me I also didn't read the rules at that time. After reading the rules I knew that that was illegal and it was put there to keep the server realistic which is an amazing addition. If it wasn't there no one would die and that would make the server less interesting. I hope you can forgive this once and give me a second chance. As for losing all my progress that I made if I get banned that would be bad for me since I put in lots of hours to gain all the proprieties, money and Cars that I have gained from playing for countless hours. But if that isn't possible I wouldn't mind going through it all again just to join your server again. Thank you again and I hope you could find it in your heart to unban me without an Inventory wipe as It would help me as a person and help my career as a streamer.

Why didn't you read our server rules upon joining the first time?

Do you often do things without knowing how / the rules?

With regard to your progress, that's non-negotiable. In the event we decide to let you return, as Samantha said, an entire inventory wipe would take place in order to replicate what would've / could've / should've. happened had you not combat logged. 

Hello. I want to start by thanking you for your time. Before starting to play role play and joining your server I used to watch lots of role play on YouTube. And seeing my favorite youtubers and streamers playing and enjoying their time as well as how greatly it impacted their career. I got so excited to the point that all I wanted to do was stream and play role play. So as soon as I got the chance to join your server I hoped on the chance without reading any guidelines and started playing and grinding hours a day out of excitement. I know what I did is wrong and I sincerely apologize but I'm generally a calm guy who follows the rules and stays away from trouble. I also assure you that if I'm given the chance to rejoin your sever I will be nothing less than perfect I'll follow every single rule, and I will be forever grateful for your kindness. Thank you for your time again and I hope to hear some positive news from you soon.

I also assure you that if I'm given the chance to rejoin your sever I will be nothing less than perfect I'll follow every single rule,
Well then I hope you stick to your word. Don't ruin this chance.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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