- Location
- Glasgow
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Billy Devine
Steam ID: 76561199540060302
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17634
Ban Reason: G.24
Why do you think you were banned: The Main Reason related to this ban was for NVL NOT VALUING LIFE however serval pervious incidents and rule brakes contributed to the overall decision of perm ban.
Why should we unban you: THE Main REASON I WOULD LIKE TO BE UNBANED WOULD BE TO PROVE AND REDEEM MYSELF IF I AM BRUTALLY HONEST however i have been banned for a good while now and certainly have had time to reflect grow and mature .. as previous said at this time my mental state really wasn't in the right place and i shouldn't have taken my self to RP in that current state witch i admit is my own wrong doing i also admit my actions where selfish and immature and stupid to think that the rules just didn't apply to me somehow and with this it ruined it on more than one occasion for more than one player which just isn't acceptable in a serious RP PLATFORM and wasting time for staff finding my self in the ban appeals more than once and then again today .. on the positive side I'm good and since returning back to gaming and rp as a whole i have ventured to some other city's (ONLY AS IM BANNED HERE) i have enjoyed Rp AGAIN like i first when i began on RPUK and have learned to leave RL BEHIND .. i would like to re-join the RPUK COMMUNITY AGAIN have some laughs and jokes along the way but ensure i follow the RULES .. i think to come in here again and plead I've read the rules again and clearly understood them would be ironic but I've been here long enough to know right from wrong but would just like the option to redeem and prove myself rather than trying to justify my previous wrong doings and waste any more of anyone's time, thanks for taking the time to read this long appeal but again if i came in here with 2 sentences then id be denied for lack a effort lets be honest lol..
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes