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Unban Appeal - XQZRTY - GTA RP


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Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Owen Nev
Steam ID: 76561198252121614
Ban ID (just the numbers): 00000
Ban Reason: (C1.6) (C1.15) Cant access ban ID
Why do you think you were banned: I was originally banned for being apart of seaside, then after I stupidly ban evaded instead of just appealing the ban.
Why should we unban you: I am going to go through both ban reasons separately to make it less confusing for myself and the staff team.

(C1.6). I've gone over this a few times but I'm going to re go through and make sure to put as much detail into it as I can. The reason for the 1.6 is because I joined a gang called Seaside, witch I never should have joined, at this time I just had an urge to frag and was bored of the RP side of things, realistically I should have just took a break from the server and played other servers where this is okay. I have been banned for a long time now I'm sure its been longer than a year and I have spent a lot of time on these type of servers and am no longer really interested in the fragging side of fivem and wish to go back to the RP side of it. I had no idea that people in seaside where cheating at the time and I had no idea about the doxing video, I didn't want to mention this in previous appeals as I didn't want people to see this appeal and go around asking for the pictures but I was also doxed, I've had pictures of my daughter sent to me witch at the time she was only 2, I've also had pictures of me and my house sent to me and names of family members. I'm not saying that to try make you feel any type of sympathy towards me or to say I know how it feels I'm saying it to try to make staff understand that I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I no longer have any contact with the people I was in the gang with including the people I joined with from Marabunta. I know its hard to believe as a member of staff seeing it happen as a group thing but I will do anything I can to prove my innocence in this. Also to add to the cheating side of the ban, I know its easy to just say this but I would never cheat on any game as I can imagine it just to be boring and it also ruins it for others, I can show every clip I have ever took on fivem and agree to a pc check whenever you want to prove this. I understand that from a staff point of view I definitely look like I could have been involved with this because of my second ban reason but aswell is this but I would know the first thing to do when finding this type of information about people on the internet. I know this probably doesn't make the situation any better but I didn't even know half the seaside members when I had joined and the only reason I got in was because people from Marabunta that I was close with vouched for me to get in. Back then I was a bit of a awkward person you could say and I didn't really speak for myself too much and just wanted to fit in, but after over a year a lot has changed and I've matured a lot, I know that might seem a bit off topic but I'm saying it in a way that hopefully helps to understand that I just made a stupid choice and I'm not like any of the others that was apart of seaside. I feel as if I have explained myself a lot on this topic, but if there are any questions you have about this then please ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

(C1.15) For this ban reason I am going to try to explain myself without sounding like I'm justifying my mistakes. When I had been denied multiple times I was frustrated that I had been dragged into a doxing video and cheating suspicions and just wanted to be able to play the server with my IRL friends again. At the time I had recently moved house and had to get a new pc as my last one broke on me, witch meant there was nothing stopping me from just being able to load onto the server, I know that doesn't make it any better I'm just adding that as a way to say that I have no idea how to ban evade it was just the situation I was in made it possible. Again I know this doesn't make it any better but I'm sure I only loaded into the server once maybe twice while ban evading and I just felt guilty and realised that I was dealing with the situation in the wrong way, so I purposefully got the account banned, witch was also wrong and I should have just came clean about it. I never should have ban evaded and should have just waited for the chance to be unbanned, it was also selfish for me to go on the server to play with my IRL friends because it could have resulted in their ban as well. I understand that ban evading was just childish and it never should have crossed my mind. After 2 years on the server I had never been banned or broken a serious rule and I deeply regret breaking this rule as its probably the worst rule I could have broke, I had just invested so much time into the server and met a lot of people and wanted the opportunity to speak to these people again. I know that ban evading probably ruined all my chances of being unbanned witch is why this will probably be my last appeal I was just frustrated that I was dragged into something I never wanted to be apart of and lost the luxury of being able to play the server and also just laughed at and if I could take it all back and have just stayed in Marabunta from the start I would have. I know that there's probably no one to have ever been unbanned from a ban evade and for this reason I have waited so long to put in this appeal and I can only promise that you will not regret giving me a chance to prove myself and I will never end up in a situation like this again. I'm willing to take any additional punishments that may come with an unban as I know a ban evade is a very big thing and I will never be stupid enough to make a mistake like this again.

If you have anything you want to ask me about I will answer to the best of my ability and I will fully understand if I am turned away again, I just wanted to try one last time to be able to play the only server that I have enjoyed to play and I really do miss the community as a whole and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes