Server: Community Banned
Ban Reason: C1.1) Bullying, C6.2) Abuse Towards Staff
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned due to disrespecting a member of the group. And arguing with them. also arguing with staff, and being abusive
Why should we unban you: The reason why this all had occurred was due to a glitch that had happened, I had been teleported up to the top of Pillbox hospital, and no-one came to help. Messages were put into the admin chat for someone/something to help. No response. Then went into discord, no response. Until a member had come into discord saying that I shouldn't have brought it up in the way I had, ( in hindsight, I shouldn't have) BUT the fact still remains that I was stranded with no way out, for over an hour and a half, I relogged, no change, obviously. it has now been 2 months since this incident, and I do regret how I had spoke to staff and members of the group regarding this, this isnt because of the ban as to why i regret it, but purely because you dont talk to people the way i had. None of what im saying will change anything to what I have done/said I get that, but im hoping that we can move past it with no grudges, if apologies need to be said, i'm more than happy to do so, the server is a great server with great people and some brilliant RP, and i hope that i can be apart of that again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes