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Unban Appeal - weller86 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for weller86 

In-game Name: Shaun Weller

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199171191942

Ban ID: rpuk#4011

Reason given for your ban: g1.3 c2.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was a bit of an idiot and was playing the game the way it shound not be played

Why should we unban you ?: this was my first offence on the game, i have trouble reading and writeing and did not read the rules. i have had a family member read the rules to me and i now fully understand the rules. this is a great way to connect with others and would be a shame to be band from the game. if you can accepted my deepeest apolyges that would be grate

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Ok, in your own words, please explain to me what you did. I understand that you have trouble reading and writing, perhaps a family member may be able to help put it down. Usually we will look at closing appeals that do not have a response within a certain timeframe but I will allow extra time for this as I respect that your family isn't at your command 24/7.

you know what i did you must of watched the video, well i walked strate throw the door of the police station and walked around most the police station. in my eyes your offices should have locked the door behinde them, then when your police found me thay decide to tazer me, i walk around your station more and the offices fallow me. when i leave your officers shut door behind me i walked away came back and punch the door of the police station its not my fault you can puch throw a door, i never ment to hit the police but it happend, IT WAS MY FIRST AFFENCE GUYS I HAVE NEVER HAD A WARNING ON THIS GAME I HAVE HAD THE RULES READ TO ME AND HAVE SEEN THAT MOST PEOPLE GET WARNING AFTER WARNING I GET A PERMANT BAN FOR BEING ABLA TO PUCH THROW DOOR 

It wasn't just the punching through a door, it was also the baiting. You went into a police station with the intention of starting a fight, even going so far to say that you had a bomb vest on and asking cops directions to the armoury. Why did you do this?

 well thats my word agents yours then, as i never went in to the police to start a fight door was left open i heard people talking in there and heard some think about the armoury so i asked where the armoury was. i got pissed off because the police taser me, at the end of the day where was my warning i had only plaid the game a handfull of times. i never once complain about the gang member killing me as i walk pass him did i, this is well over the top for a permant ban. look i amited to what i did you seen the video. all so looking at others that have been band and unband thay done alot more than what i did and was band more times and still got unband 

Well, Im afraid that until your attitude changes, you wont be coming back. Playing here is a privilege not a right. If you want to try again, feel free to open a new appeal.


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