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Unban Appeal - wagwanboy112 - Discord

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Unban Appeal for wagwanboy112 

In-game Name: Jefferson Jackson

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 9223372036854775807

Ban ID: 13452

Reason given for your ban: Combat logg

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i Combat logged.

Why should we unban you ?: when i combat logged i know i did something stupid but i was upset at the moment i had just sent 200k to a random person and someone had just killed me i just wanted to go off and sleep i know it was a mistake and i wont do it again i am sorry.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @wagwanboy112!

You are not going to be welcomed back here with a 2 line appeal. I have already put more effort into this response that you have the entire appeal.
You have labelled this as a Discord ban too which it is not.

Combat logging is a rule taken seriously here as it can massively impact and ruin roleplay for others around you in the situation.
These bans come with an automatic cooldown of 1 month, therefore you will be welcomed to appeal again on 21/08/23.


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