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Unban Appeal for vladmir hufta
In-game Name: vladmir hufta
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199233045904
Ban ID: !!rpuk8184!!
Reason given for your ban: (G2.4)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: so basically i think i got banned because when two people came up to me with guns pointed at me they told me to put my hands up and i did not obey them even though i was out numbered.
Why should we unban you ?: you should unban me is because one of the person took me hostage another time and he killed me. and another time i put my number up on tweedle because i was looking to do some jobs for some extra cash. the first time i put my hands up and i obeyed him and he killed me anyway. so the second time they scammed me i knew that even if i put my hands up they where still gonna kill me. so i decide to refuse and i told them that i wont go down without a fight and they killed me and they threw me into the ocean for the second . i think you should unban me because even though i knew that i should have put my hands i didnt for the reason that i wanted to go down without and even if i would have put my hands up they would have still killed me.thanks
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: vladmir hufta
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199233045904
Ban ID: !!rpuk8184!!
Reason given for your ban: (G2.4)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: so basically i think i got banned because when two people came up to me with guns pointed at me they told me to put my hands up and i did not obey them even though i was out numbered.
Why should we unban you ?: you should unban me is because one of the person took me hostage another time and he killed me. and another time i put my number up on tweedle because i was looking to do some jobs for some extra cash. the first time i put my hands up and i obeyed him and he killed me anyway. so the second time they scammed me i knew that even if i put my hands up they where still gonna kill me. so i decide to refuse and i told them that i wont go down without a fight and they killed me and they threw me into the ocean for the second . i think you should unban me because even though i knew that i should have put my hands i didnt for the reason that i wanted to go down without and even if i would have put my hands up they would have still killed me.thanks
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes