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Unban Appeal - Vexed - Panasonic - GTA RP

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Vexed - Panasonic

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Vexed - Panasonic 

In-game Name: Brad

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198254320736

Ban ID: !!rpuk8455!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was annoyed and took it too far and started to say things out of roleplay.

Why should we unban you ?: I am sorry for my behavior, it was my first time playing the server in a very long time and admittedly I had not looked at the rules in great depth and so applied Altis Life rules and so when they initiated and they killed me and I was trying to type in sidechat, I did not know they could turn that off, this is of course my fault and I do apologise. I really want to play on the server and have a good amount of friends playing on the server, over the last few months of being banned I have read the rules and have realized that I was the one in the wrong and again I apologise.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Going over your last appeal and this you mentioned they you was typing in ooc chat however was being ignored. I've had a look into this claim and the only thing you asked in ooc chat was to talk to a staff member, So when did the other party ignore you ? 

In this ban whilst yes you was banned for combat logging, It's clear from the report I linked you in your previous appeal you broke more rules than just this so in turn will need to answer for all the rules broken. How can we be sure you won't simply do the same thing again as you failed to value your life, Break character and in turn combat log. 

Hello, thanks for reading my appeal.

I believe I did type in OOC but it may just be me remembering wrong as this did happen five months ago.

In the situation I was having issues with my key binds which didn't let me value my life and enter my car to leave which led me to break RP and combat-log to attempt to fix the key binds, and the combat log was not to try and avoid the situation, however I do understand that this was the wrong thing to do, it was my first time playing FiveM in a long time and like stated I was not clear on the rules and it was a very chaotic situation for everyone, but again like I said I know that what I did was not the right thing to do by any means and I have since read the FiveM rules more thoroughly and will do my best to follow the rules as I have friends who play on the server and I would really like to just enjoy the server for what it is, I understand that I ruined the roleplaying experience of the other people in the situation and for that I am sorry.

As mentioned above you have only sent one ooc message as I've put above and within your previous appeal. How did your keybinds make it so you cannot comply with demands? Help us understand this as I'm not seeing the correlation here.

With the OOC, I remember typing to try and tell them but like I said it may just be me remembering wrong.
With the keybinds I couldn't get into the car to leave when they said or put my hands up, which led me to combat log and reconnect to try and fix it, again I know this wasn't the correct thing to do and I'm sorry.

There could of been ways you may have delt with this in RP if you we're unable to do something, Why wasn't this the case?

You mentioned in the situation and I'll quote "Initation didn't count" and "they have 300 hours on this game"  Why did you decide to shout this to others around you ? If this is the case, One would think you would know better then to do something like this no? 

How can we be sure if we provide you with a chance you won't simply do the same again when a situation like this comes up again? 

I was looking at initiation as it would happen in arma 3, which obviously does not apply and in regards to shouting that, I had things going on irl that caused me to lose composer like that, and for both of these things I am truly sorry, I know I shouldn't take my frustration out on people just trying to enjoy the server as I wouldn't want that to happen to me and I have now looked at more correct ways of initiating on FiveM and will not again apply arma 3 rules to the FiveM server.

I am truly sorry for the way I held myself during this situation I will do better to not act this way again.   

Well the whole "Initiation" isn't even a thing on GTA, Yes it was on Arma however both are totally different games, However you indeed need quality RP behind your actions that outlines the difference. Why did you think we have initiations here on GTA?

In relation to the rules you broke can you please quote them and in your own words explain why you believe we have such rules in place?

People just explained the roleplaying behind actions as an equivalent to initiations, I do know that it doesn't work in the same manner as on Arma 3 and again that was my mistake. 

G2.3 - Roleplay Everything. This is in place as it is a roleplay server, where people go to escape and just have fun, and one should stay in character at all times to not break anyones immersion and experience.

G2.4 - Value of Life. This is in place to try and keep situations realistic and not ridiculous, you should not go against 3 people if you are one or try and go against them if they have a gun to your head, for example.

I'm not able to find a rule that specifically mentions combat logging but obviously it breaks peoples and immersion to leave half way through a situation.

Again I am sorry for the way I acted in the situation, I know it was not appropriate in any way and I really do apologise to all people involved.   

Combat logging falls under our Community rules, Have a look there and pop it here please with the explanation. Reason for this is I want to be sure you've actually read our rules.

Indeed both games are different to where GTA offers a unique experience where a feud for example could last, Days/weeks ect over a situation that happened prior, Given noone has respawned that is. 

C2.3 - Combat Logging. Combat logging ruins situations and peoples immersion as one person just leaves the server mid situation.

I understand that, I was just using the word initiation because I didn't have a better word.

Very well, 

I'll offer you another opportunity to return given your last appeal and this one. Now I would suggest making sure moving forth your voice chat is connected and there are no issues prior to playing again as this should solve any issues such as what lead you here. I would highly suggest taking this experience within the appeals section serious moving forth as I don't want to regret giving you this opportunity and then you end up right back here. 

If you haven't already be sure to read both sections of the rules fully prior to re-joining so you are fully aware of all of the rules, Not just the ones you we're banned for. If you do need to leave for any reason, Pop a message in ooc, Make a discord ticket and we will go from there, Also final reminder, the only time you are permitted to break character is when a uniformed staff member informs you that it's fine (Us in the tron suits). Don't let me down! 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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