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Unban Appeal - Unban_Mark02 - 01/03/20

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In-game Name
Alex Smith

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
1.6 Community Ban

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think i was banned because of my potential to create problems for the community as a result of a mental health issue. The start of last year wasn't a particularly good time for me as I was having problems at home and within my job. My behaviour was at times, like I felt hyper and unusual, i guess. This caused me to make stupid mistakes and judgement errors. I realised I was creating problems for myself and others and I want to sincerely apologize to this community for the problems I caused. Later on in April, a family member I impartially trusted had asked whether I was feeling OK and they showed concern for my behaviour but I decided at that time to brush that off as just being stress and depression related . I was encouraged to see a doctor and i did, With the doctor wanting to keep tabs on me. I think that it was due to an increase in my workload and education. However, later on I mucked up again. This caused me to be indefinitely blacklisted from the police. After being blacklisted Police command asked me into a room and expressed concern as my behaviour was not normal. They also urged that I seek more advice about how I was feeling. In the aftermath of the blacklist I felt a mix of confusion and decided to see if it could not be worked out in some way. I was informed at this point that I should have instead been banned. I felt lonely and shocked. I decided to leave though at the time I had hoped I could return. As I say, I felt lonely and mistakenly decided that I could/would still play under a different name occasionally. I decided after a while that I felt I had enough control to comeback. I feel that I am now in better shape and wish to play, if not, I would like to be able to hop in TS and speak with my friends here. I want to start this new year with a fresh approach.

Why should we unban you ?
I think i should be unbanned because despite my struggles my number one priority is to make sure i dont harm those around me. When playing on the server i saw it as a break, To get away from life and froget about my problems and play the game as it is intended. Even though my condition i always make sure to provide the best rp to the people around me so they can have a good time on the server just as i want. I reduced my time Alot after the official diagnosis Firstly for my own good and then for the safty of the server. Since departing although it hasnt been very long i have continued with life trying to overcome the struggels that life throws at me I have continued to persue my hobbies and continue with the volunteering work that I Do. I have insured that the people around me are first and then my second Objective is to keep my life as normal as possible. I am still playing airsoft with my Friends, with the charity i still helm the crafts. With work I am still working and being given more responsiblys and i am continuing with my studies. I guess what i am trying to say is that even though my condition I am still my self i can now manage it and make sure i dont hurt anyone around me. I can understand when i need to take a break and will do so accordingly inorder to not cause harm to anyone. If I have caused harm to anyone in the Past i am sincerely sorry. It was never my intention to hurt anyone and never ment to.

Lastly I would like to thank the Staff/ Management team for reviewing my appeal and I hope that everyone had a great festive period.

Yours Faithfully

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

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Too much too soon

There was some deep concerns and even after some members of staff tried to help you continued, No appeal should be considered at this time.

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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