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Unban Appeal - Unban_Chino Dex - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Unban_Chino Dex 

In-game Name: Chino Dex

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199012673504

Ban ID: !!rpuk11270!!

Reason given for your ban: g3.1 player report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have been banned for G3.1 which falls under meta gaming

Why should we unban you ?: I have never meta gamed or attempted to meta game in the past or present , i do not shy away from a owning up to a rule break just as i have to Stuart, lunar and Mike Wolfe in my previous ban a few months ago for hostage taking. I genuinely have not meta gamed , the only thing i was sceptical about in that report was me engaging in combat after being dodged which i was fortunately not banned for in this report. A few months ago this would have been a 1 day ban for me however as now that meta gaming is a permanent ban i have to make an appeal. I understand meta gaming is quite hard to prove and from my personal experience where i have seen meta gaming occur. Unless there is clear cut evidence, the confidence to post a report is very low. Owning up to a rule break that i strongly feel i have not committed does not seem genuine from my side and does not follow the ethos of this appeal which is honesty.

Meta gaming is now a permanent ban , along with how long this report has taken it is clear that its being cracked down on and i have been judged in a unfair manner where i feel like my evidence was not really taken into account, which is a poor choice of wording but the only words i can think of to describe the situation i am in, i do not mean it in any disrespectful way From what i gathered i have been banned on the basis of how long it took for my fellow gang member took to reach me , which seemed to be fast and direct. I would like to correlate this situation to a person who has committed a rule break in staff eyes but has genuinely not, the said individual has been in a police chase and has had a power cut out , unable to return it has resulted in him being banned , unable to prove his innocence with nothing other than word of mouth which then lead to him being banned. How is this person able to approach his/her unban appeal ? wait the 1 month cooldown and own up to something they have genuinely not committed ? thus having a permanent ban under their record ?

I hope this correlation brings sympathy or some empathy to the situation i am in, now as for the difference to my situation is that i provided text messages of my whereabouts in capitals for emergency '' SANDY'' which was used by SK to speed to me, Ballas only had knowledge to only one and that was grandmas. I can not see how i can further prove more than what i have already provided in this report. If SANDY was not specific enough what if i typed MORRENO SANDY , would this have changed the whole situation? single extra word ?

This is a very contradicting situation where i was defending myself in the report and now appealing where it is normally expected for the banned individual to own up and take responsibility.

I will leave this up to staff to consider my side and hopefully be allowed back into the community. I understand i was sarcastic a few times but i was annoyed that i was not called to TS at all and it was posted 24 hours later , had he called me to TS i would have had a clip of the situation as it was less than 10 mins since i got out of bed and my death.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Do you have any footage that would show your innocence?

Hello Liam appreciate the reply

Unfortunately i do not have a clip of the situation, looking back at the timings from the report from when i had gotten up from the bed all the way to when i ended up killing the Moreno. It was about 4 minutes and 30 seconds , if he had put up anything on the ooc regarding TS or the situation that just happened within the next 5-6 minutes i would have been inclined to clip. Posting a report 2 days later does not also help.  Luckily text messages are kept within the phone and thus the '' SANDY'' message i had used as evidence proof of my innocence to staff, its also a habit of mine to message in CAPS when its an emergency. I also do feel like that the timings that was posted in the report matched up to the description i provided with the events happening. 

Trust plays a huge role in this server , staff are not their to hold your hand to prevent you from rule breaking and so as adults we should be playing the server as intended without breaching rules, which i do feel like i have been apart from the hostage taking. I also do feel like that as adults, people should at least call each other to TS to give them the chance to clip situations where they may or may not have rule broken intentionally or unintentionally. This way both party's are given a fair chance to resolve or defend themselves. 

I do hope that staff can continue having trust in me and sympathies with the situation i am in. I do not condone meta gaming , it has put me in previous frustrating situations where i did feel like an opposing party had meta gamed. I also have not met gamed in the past or present or do intend to in anyway for the future to come if still apart of this community

Unfortunately i do not have a clip of the situation, looking back at the timings from the report from when i had gotten up from the bed all the way to when i ended up killing the Moreno. It was about 4 minutes and 30 seconds , if he had put up anything on the ooc regarding TS or the situation that just happened within the next 5-6 minutes i would have been inclined to clip. Posting a report 2 days later does not also help.  Luckily text messages are kept within the phone and thus the '' SANDY'' message i had used as evidence proof of my innocence to staff, its also a habit of mine to message in CAPS when its an emergency. I also do feel like that the timings that was posted in the report matched up to the description i provided with the events happening.
So, you have no footage for your turn of events. A lot of things that yourself and SK stated on that report, didn't add up. Stating that its a habit of yours to message in all caps for an emergency is circumstantial at best.

Trust plays a huge role in this server , staff are not their to hold your hand to prevent you from rule breaking and so as adults we should be playing the server as intended without breaching rules, which i do feel like i have been apart from the hostage taking. I also do feel like that as adults, people should at least call each other to TS to give them the chance to clip situations where they may or may not have rule broken intentionally or unintentionally. This way both party's are given a fair chance to resolve or defend themselves
 Trust is a HUGE thing on the server. However, if we took every tom, dick and harry's word for it then unfortunately, people would abuse that to break rules then claim innocence and beg for forgiveness. People are advised to take each other to Teamspeak/Discord to resolve things but it is not a requirement.

I do hope that staff can continue having trust in me and sympathies with the situation i am in. I do not condone meta gaming , it has put me in previous frustrating situations where i did feel like an opposing party had meta gamed. I also have not met gamed in the past or present or do intend to in anyway for the future to come if still apart of this community
I'm not sure as to where to take this appeal. You want me to believe you on your word and ignore what the logs say?

Yes i do agree, if you guys took the words of every tom, dick and harry people would be abusing that trust. For a  person that has been in this server for coming up to 2 years , which i do thing it might be 3 years as i did play initially when the server first began. i do hope that it brings a difference to what how my word of trust is given. Along with the fact that we are not strangers to each other and have had times where we had RP scenarios in firearms, 229 and such , this is in no way to try and bring leverage to my innocence through our personal relations.

The logs also conveyed the events that i described apart from the Haley situation where i had no knowledge in game, so i had to ask around and people had mentioned it took place and took their word for it, i was using it for potential further evidence as to why the rest of the gang had went up to sandy. The report was indeed a poor display of how i wanted to convey my defense in meta gaming however i can assure you no such thing took place. If i had a history of meta gaming or anything in relation to that i would understand if i was not even given the chance to appeal this quick.  

Although i am not appealing a ban necessarily , i am still appealing for my innocents and continuation of the trust given to me as a member of this community. I do hope that you can believe me not only on my word but also my time on the server and some support to my initial defense in the report. 

I do believe that there was some sort of rule break from yourself and SK due to both of your attitudes on the report and with what you were saying wasn’t adding up.

I can see that in your initial unban appeal post and your replies, that you are putting in the effort which is appreciated but I am finding it very hard to believe you…

Are you free to join Teamspeak at some point tomorrow or Monday?

Hello Liam 

I really do appreciate the replies as well as the opportunity to speak to you in TS. I should be available tomorrow , hope we can sort out a time aswell. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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