Server: Community Banned
Ban Reason: Leaking Server Information. C1.6
Why do you think you were banned: I believed I was banned due to leaking certain server files into discord, from the old build not the current build. However some of the files that I had leaked were in current use at the time. I do not want to release further evidence since other people can see and use it to there advantage. Along with breaking community guidelines (C1.6).
Why should we unban you: I think you should unban or at least give me a chance. I have been apart of the community for some time now, and seen it grow from a maximum of 30 people to over 300. I would personally like to be apart of the community again that got me into playing Five M , there is no other server out there that takes RP as serious and I wasted my chances on this one, where I learnt the hard truth about Five M. I know coming from me the amount of trouble I have gotten myself into playing this server that it will be a lot to discuss. I personally think I have grown since last year when the ban was put in place. I have realize in the past couple of months how having certain server sides scripts that should not be accessible to everyone else in the server is not right since it can give a better hand in the RP experience, which this server is not about its about everyone having a fair chance to develop there character not someone having a hided ace up there sleeve.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes