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Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Danny Tyree
Steam ID: 76561199479584751
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14119
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: This was awhile ago from not being around and in the city , this situation probably occurred about 10 months ago maybe a bit longer , So what happened was at the time l I was in prison after just getting sent off by police , I was minding my own business and these two guys came up to me for no reason arguing and I RP'd it out but for some reason they just killed me for no reason , no explanation nothing and hid me in a bush in prison , that night I remember it was late and I was up early the next morning so I just flew out with no intending to Combat Log at all I just thought I would come back and just still be there but I had to get off , I didnt leave straight way I tried to get someone's attention , then I decided to call it a night , my intention wasn't combat logging in any way , there was no one around at the time as well in the prison accept for the two guys but they were not in the area so there jail time but of ran out.
Why should we unban you: I just don't think its fair what has happened here , I was just minding my own business trying too reduce my sentence by cleaning tables then two guys kill me for no reason what so ever , No RP behind it in any way . In my eyes I have not failed RP or Combat Log intentionally , my intention was I will try again the next day so I disconnected with no one around because I was annoyed and it was really late so i just decided to get off and come back the next day because i was up early and i was really tired , then the next day more people will be in the city to help in any way , I understand all the rules from the past let me make sure , my first ban was combat logging I think I know that I have learnt from it , I hope you can see in my eyes it wasn't any intention to break RP in any way . I did ask for admins help a few times because I thought I couldn't get out of the situation in any way what so ever , no one came so I decided to call it a day and sort it out the next day , but the next day I came on to another ban , which is really annoying and disappointing . I hope you see where I'm coming from , from the situation that i told you in the prison , it has took me awhile to Appeal also but I have learnt a lot from my past offences .

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Tyree
I hope you are well?

I have a couple of questions for you.

In your previous appeal, why did you lie to staff?

This isn't your first C2.3 ban. Why should we entertain this, when you clearly haven't learned the lesson from the past one? I would think you would have known the rule well and all it stipulates.
Sorry when was i lying to staff , not being rude or anything , this was a long time ago , you might be getting me mixed up with my brother , when he put his appeal in , he thought he got banned for something but he got banned becuase of my mistakes and it was an IP ban . So that appeal wasnt mine if thats what your going on about because we have the same name on this website im preety sure .

Well from not being in this server for along time , i have been in 2 other cities with over 1400+ hours of expericence in Roleplay 'Unique Roleplay and 'Inspire Roleplay', Roleplay.co.uk was my first main city with not alot of experience in Roleplay , Going from not reading all the rules in a city before properly getting into it , Knowing the basic rules such as , Failure to RP , Combat Log which i have violated both of them rules when first coming to roleplay , but having over that many hours i said my RP has never been better from playing apart of PD in Inspire RP and making it to Lietenant and Unique Roleplay which is also a popular Whitelisted server . Hoping you understand and see why i would like to join back into a great community full of good RP .

Apologies for my past on my stupid actions for me getting these bans , the main reason is , New to RP and ovbiously didnt get the full picture of what it actually was . I hope you can see my understandings and that ive learned from these mistakes from a long time ago .

Lastly just want to go over that accusation , me and my brother live in the same house so this ban thats happened my brother thought he had done something to get that ban but i came to the realisation that it had to of been a IP Ban and you proably think it was me because we have got the same name on this website .

Good morning @Tyree
I hope you are well !

Firstly, I'd like to say - I can see, and confirm the separate identities of you and your brother.

However, why are you wanting to come back to RPUK now, if you have gathered a lot of time in other servers?
You may have been new, but you've been banned previously for C2.3 - you should of had some understanding of the rule, no?
Yes mate , i have full understanding of C2.3 after having 1400* hours in RP as back then i probably had about 50-100 hours in RP and was very fresh , I would say my RP has improved massively especially for a server like RPUK . Having being in PD and having over 800+ hours in it providing in depth RP that has improved my RP as a whole and for a criminal side i’ve got about 600+ in Criminal RP which has improved as whole also . For my previous bans i would like to apologise because i’ve come to the realisation how this server RP actually is , very in-depth and just very top tier RP .

Coming back into Roleplay.co.uk i’ve planned on what i want to be doing . So i will pursue ig into my Criminal character i already have and continuing that with my friends and brother and will also wanting to be apart of the NHS and have already planned out a very in-depth application ready for me to send for them as in previous servers i have been in apart of the PD i would love to be part of NHS in RPUK as the RP behind it seems very good to me and i would very much enjoy it

I hope you see this message and realise what i will do in RPUK and will provide good RP and a lot of hours put in the server , and what i’ve learned from , from now having a lot of hours in RP

I hope you are doing well.

Alright, as you say you have full understanding of the rule C2.3 - Can you tell me what this rule is, and why we have it in place?
What do you think you should do, if you find yourself needing to leave the game for IRL reasons, whilst incapacitated?
C2.3 - Combat Logging

This rule is when your engaded with an individual or a group in a RP Scene and leaving the city mid scene , for example if you were involved in a fight or was about to be robbed and the individual Combat Logs and has left the city / F8 quit . Breaking this rule is no doubt the most unrelistic thing to do within RP and have no intetion to RP. It ruins the fun for everyone and is waste of roleplay for everyone involved .

In my situation , i thought it would of been okay as i was in a bush in the prison with no one around but ovbiously not and wil not be taking them actions any time soon , especially as ive been away for awhile in another server with better understandings .

Within terms of roleplay with better experience ive learnt that you just have to get on with it , if your being robbed / held at gunpoint or in a fight , there is nothing you can do expect RP it out , it may not seem fun on your end but thats what RP is all about , there so many different things you can do within RP to make the scene 10x better instead of just leaving the city on the spot but when i was a freshy i didnt see the bigger picture .

If i desperately needed to leave the city IRL for something important then i would proably make a ticket / message an admin IC explaining the situation but ovbiosuly staying IC until i got a go ahead to say it was all good , but when playing this server 99% of the time i will not be needing to leave the city in a desperate situation as its better for RP becuase you never know what situation you might get into IC


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Afternoon @Tyree !

Thank you for showing some clearer understanding of the rule, and how to act accordingly to different circumstances.

If you were to be allowed back, what are your intentions for your characters? You stated previously you'd like to continue with the criminal aspect and join the NHS?
Tell me a bit about that, please.

Firstly with the criminal side , since i havent been in this city for awhile , there is proably alot more changes and different ways to make money as a crim , When i first land back in with my freinds we will go all round the city talkw with alot of people about how the city has developed and being guided and given hints to make money . I think meeting lots of people IC anyway is important , to get your name thrown around and be engaged with the city , but the main objective is to make tons of money and grind and ovbiously meeting people along the way . If any city events would happen i would gladly take part , i remember a drag racing event happening when first coming into this city and it was top tier .


For NHS , i just love the RP behind it , ive seen alot of RP that goes into NHS since being a Cop , i love the idea of the in-depth roleplay NHS can provide , you get too meet alot of people and just having tons of RP constantly . When i first started in this city i remember the amount of detail the NHS provide , for example , i went down because of an explosion , and the NHS paramedic who looked after me , his RP was top tier , when ispecting my injuries to taking me into hostpital for surgery it was just very good .

In most cities NHS Paramedic is important , and me taking part in that i would love to do , helping people constantly , Providing good RP , but i might come with time since i have never been NHS in the city but im sure it wont take long hopefully .
Afternoon @Tyree

After some deliberation, some effort in your replies and patience on your behalf which I thank you for, I am going to extend the olive branch here.

I should hope you foster enough understanding of the rule you broke now, and the consequences with it.
However, should you break the same rule again within a 6 month period - You'll have to wait out a 6 month cool down before you can appeal.

Do not make me regret this decision.
Now I suggest acquainting yourself with both our Server and Community Rules before you jump back into things.
I do also hope to see an NHS application from yourself, and joining their ranks.
