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Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

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tyler hatton

New member
united kingdom
Unban Appeal for tyler hatton 

In-game Name: Antony leach

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020003687

Ban ID: RPUK13555

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned due to calling people, a nonce i did it out of frustration and would never mean to cause distress or disrespect to someone of any age or nation i take roleplay very seriously. I should never use words to distress or disrespect people i should should treat people how i want to be treated with realism and professionalism.

Why should we unban you ?: I think i should be unbanned as i have matured alot i am now 22 years old and take roleplay with a lot of seriousness and realism to help not only my experience but others with more or even fewer hours of roleplay experience. Im wanting to make the the server a great place for peopke who are experienced but also new to gta role play this server is the best around and would be great to be back in doing some great scenes with people and getting help from great staff members and being part of the great community.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @tyler hatton, I hope all is well! 🙂

We've gone from your last appeal of not remember a single thing to now you remembering you'd called another player a "nonce"?
How comes you've suddenly remembered over the space of 16 hours? 

i forgot you could even read back on past appeals then i remembered staff members being unprofessional with me banning me for so long and then i re read about me calling someone a nonce when i was outside of pill box 

Good evening @tyler hatton, thanks for the response! 

Are you sure this is the only thing you've said to breach C1.2? 

yes i do remember that i was told i said somthing after the word nonce but i couldnt remember at the time and got ina big heated argument with staff when asking them to show me the proof of what i had said so i could own up to my actions they told me they couldnt tell me what i said or show me so i never know what i said as i didnt remember then and i dont know now i think i still have the discord messages asking them to tell me what i said after the word nonce then they was saying if i keep asking then they wil keep increasing my ban time 

Good evening @tyler hatton, thanks for the response! 🙂

The reason your ban time was spoken about is due to the fact you kicked up a huge fuss over you ban within Discord. We do not place bans for no reason, and surely if the words flew out of your mouth you'd remember what you had said. 

Would you say you're a racist person?
Would you say you're a homophobic person? 

nope thats what i dont understand i called someone a nonce and thats all i remember yes i remember kicking a fuss in discord but ive been away long enough to come back within a clean sheet and start fresh with the server hence the reasoning behind me appealing my ban as i would like to get back into roleplay on this amazing server.

Good morning @tyler hatton, thanks for the response! 🙂

What is your plan if you're given another opportunity to return here?

What character(s) are you looking to play?
What quality roleplay can you provide here? 

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i am currently in another city as NHS and a photographer so i belive i can bring these two great roles to the city and make the server great with some really good roleplay

i am currently in another city as NHS and a photographer so i belive i can bring these two great roles to the city and make the server great with some really good roleplay
You haven't really answered the question Danoo has asked, though.

Please respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.

i will be looking to become nhs in gta roleplay so i can show great levels of roleplay skills to the people in city and to help show that i do have what it takes to be in the city and that i can redeem my self from the bam i am currently facing, i will be looking to play a character called timmy who loves to help people. i am very into my roleplay now with a good number of hours clocked up in experince from other cities i feel i can bring them here and improve the city but not only that improve my rp skills and the skills of others why giving all parties involved a good enjoyable experince.

Hmm, so far a man for combat logging and a ban for racism/homophobic slurs. You dont scream like someone i should allow back all after kicking up a fuss in discord. But i am interesting in seeing this "grown up" version of you.

I am going to give you a chance. Needless to say this is your only chance. So be careful and control yourself. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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