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Unban Appeal - tomo89 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tom David
Steam ID: 76561199137200537
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16826
Ban Reason: G7.3
Why do you think you were banned: For providing low quality roleplay
Why should we unban you: Firstly thank you for reading this appeal while in the moment of roleplay that had got me banned we (pirus) were at a unofficial war with vagos. To which a lot of fights had happend alot of tweedle beef and alot of back and fourth between the two at this moment we had seen a vagos member sat at there turf and thought it was a good idea to grab them as every gang does I had said for weeks I wanted this person dead for them running me over and laughing about it to provoke me it was a coincidence that it was him we saw down there as we rolled there turf like they had ours we took him away to an underground train track to which is where the roleplay quality was low none of us really spoke to him enough we asked a few questions and he laughed about them I had them said you know who it is Jimmy and you know why I'm the one doing this (something along these lines) one of the higher ups in the gang then told me to proceed to tell me to do the job where I had shot him with very little roleplay and got over and done with in that moment in time I wasn't thinking how that would look on me as I followed an order but now after the few months I've had away I had the time to reflect that providing low quality roleplay effects the other person and doesn't make things fun for them which I apologise for I have watched the video of the incident and have thought about different things i could of done to make the situation more interesting than what I had done again I do apologise I really enjoy this server and have made some great friends here i am aware pirus has now disbanded so who knows what the future holds and what ill do next maybe ill try get my job back at the dealership i will reconnect with friends and enjoy the server again if i am to get unbanned thank you for taking the time to read this
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @tomo89

I hope all is well today?

You were unbanned in January and then got banned again in mid April, why should I entertain this appeal since you did not learn the first time?

Something is also little confusing, was this a personal beef with the person or a gang beef with the person?

i could of done to make the situation more interesting than what I had done
Okay what could/ should you have done?
Hello Jessie. Thank you so much for the reply. Today has been good thankyou. I hope you had a good day! 🙂 In January I was unbanned for combat logging which is a massive no and I reflected on that during the month I was banned for. With this ban it was an honest slip up which I will hold my hands up to. My roleplay is usually pretty good and I have never had someone complain about the roleplay I give. We needed to speed things up and I was given the order to finish things up so we could leave asap. In the moment I didnt think. I wish I wouldve have questioned him or tortured him like I would usually do. I can promise you I have learnt from the first time. I now control my temper a lot more which was the problem back then. For this time the whole gang was in a rush. We had to get out of the area as it was too bait and he had said on the phonecall to one of his members that he was being taken. So we knew we had to move quickly.

This was gang buissness. It was Pirus VS Vagos. The memebers in my gang knew the anger I had towards this Vagos member due to things they had done to me and said that I will take the orders. Which I did. But fully regret not making the roleplay fun for the other person.

I should have tortured them not just shot them when I was told to and I should have suggested we take him somewhere further away to do that so it wouldnt be rushed or even send them away with a message for their gang leader which was done to other vagos memebers in the same beef.

I always try and make my roleplay fun for all people involved and this time was unfortunatley an honest mistake and I should have thought about where it would get me in that moment of time.

I have been out of the server now for over the month to appeal so i know that when I come back I will provide the best roleplay and make anything I do worth while for everyone involved. Thank you again for the reply
You created your character on 06/09/2023 and consistently you've broken rules, provided bad rp and banned a total of 3 times.

Your ban reasons have been;
Combat Logging
Executions must be realistic

This doesn't paint a great picture of you having intentions of providing great rp.

I want you to tell me about the best rp you've provided within RPUK
and also the worst rp you've knowingly provided.

We need to determine if you're worth bringing back with this history or do we just risk you getting banned again for another reason relating to poor rp/intent to rp
Hello, Thank you so much for the reply and I hope you're doing well.

This really doesn't look good on me I fully understand that and I can only apologise for the mistakes I have made and I will prove to you that I am better than that if, I was to get another chance. I have provided a lot of roleplay situations in the past. From being a crim which always got me in trouble with police and which also made me meet a lot of new people. As well as getting well known by a lot of people because of my characters personality. Id say my best roleplay situations would have been the ones that have happened when I have been in gangs. As I mentioned previously, usually I would torture people and I have set a lot of people free after giving them messages. I try to make it interesting for everyone and I would love to continue doing that on this server to improve how I react in certain situations. Just before I had gotten the ban I had gotten a job at Del Perro which I would love to go back to, I'm also thinking about possibly having a break from the gang life to experience more things I can do in the City.

Unfortunately, my worst roleplay situation would have been the the situation that had happened for me to get this ban. I wasn't thinking at the time and followed orders which resulted in no roleplay and made the situation poor for the other person which I apologise for. I understand that it wasn't on.

If I were to come back which I really hope I get to, I will start connecting with friends again and start meeting new people. I also want to be on the money grind. I managed to reach £5m just before getting banned from buying cars for cheap and selling them on. I was really enjoying doing that. I would also go back to the car dealership which will also help me interact with new people and help me reach my money goal.

Again I really do apologise for the mistakes I have made and I want to prove that I am better than what I have shown so far. Thank you again.
Good morning @tomo89 ! :)

We needed to speed things up
Why did you need to speed a roleplay scenario up, or am I misunderstanding this quote?

My roleplay is usually pretty good and I have never had someone complain about the roleplay I give.
I'm glad this is the case up until now, I'd like to gather a further insight to it though - Why did your standards slip, and what's the potential risk of this happening again given the fact it's happened this time?

Also, as mentioned your record is beginning to stack up now. How can you assure me that if we are to unban you, you're not going to just end up back here within a month or two appealing another with how the current pattern is looking?
Good afternoon Danoo, I hope todays going good for you and thank you so much for the reply,

When we had gone down to Vagos to see who was there we came across one of their members. He was stood there i believe on the phone and we had told him to hang up the call and to put his hands down. He then ran around for a bit while on the phone to one of his gang members where we had heard him say that he was being taken. In that moment we knew we had to move quickly. Because of him saying this we didn't know if his member had seen us or knew our were abouts so we went to the underground train tracks down the road from vagos turf. Even that was risky because we would have been caught so easily. When I mean speed up I mean get the situation done quickly. I thought people would have spoken to him but in the moment I was told to get it done which is where I had shot him. The whole situation wasn't planned out at all, we should have gone somewhere further away. If i was in the car with him when we took him away I would have spoken to him to make a roleplay situation but unfortunately I was in a different car.

My standards slipped as I was following orders from a higher up. It was stupid of me not to think about what I was doing at the time but as you can see in the clip of the ban we got out of there quickly as we knew Vagos would be looking for us. Im not sure what he had said on the phonecalls eg he might have described our cars before hanging up the call but we knew we had to move quick. As I had previously, mentioned if it were down to me I would have tortured him and possibly had let him go with a message for his leader like we had with other Vagos members to make it a better situation for everyone.

I will be on my best behaviour if i were to be unbanned. I think id take a break from gang life as thats mostly when i have been in trouble. Ill keep my head down and start working multiple jobs. Maybe even start a second hand car selling business! Thank you again Danoo.
Good morning @tomo89 , thanks for the response!

Do you have a plan set in stone if you're to be unbanned going off of the last part? Are you going to be pulling away from gang sided RP? I ask as you've said you think. I'd like a definite answer if possible :)

What is your plan if you return?
Hi Danoo, thanks again for the reply and Good Morning!

If I were to come back im going to take a break from the gang life, Keep my head down and get my job back at Del Perro and get my money up. Before the ban I was planning on making a living from revamping cars and selling them on and I was really enjoying doing that before. Im going to get back to chilling with the people I met again and possibly get a second job too! I want to try and make as much money as possible as I do have a goal to get 10M which i was over half way there before hand.

Thank you again Danoo
Good morning @tomo89 , thanks for the response.

To help along with this, if you're to be unbanned this will come with the following condition.
You are not to join a gang until at least 18/08/2024, do you agree to this?

I would like to see how your roleplay goes, given the fact that your previous 3 bans have been to do with gang related RP.
Good morning Danoo,

Thank you for the reply again. I agree to these terms. I will not be joining a gang anytime soon and ill prove that I am better than I have shown so far.
Very well,

I will give you another chance on the server.
Your bans are stacking up now, I will point out now that we will not continue dealing with appeal after appeal so if you get yourself banned again the likelihood of us even entertaining your appeal is very low.

If you join a gang before 18/08/2024, it will be a breach of your conditions thus you will end up back on a permanent ban.
Please, do not waste the chance - any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS.

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