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Unban Appeal - TheLaw - 04/29/20

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I cant remember properly on what happened, but me and this guy called george had a little falling out and he reported me for dossing him, we was good friends and we use to dos eachother all the time all though i pissed him of *cant remember why/how* and he reported me for being a troll / ddos.

Why should we unban you ?
I feel i should be unbanned as its been near enough 5 years and ive grown up alot since playing rpuk, i've missed this server since day one of my ban and I regret it ever since, this is the best rp server there is, the admins actually do they're job on this server unlike the rest of the sorry ass servers.

when i got banned for dossing we use to doss eachother for a laugh and one day i pushed him over the edge with a joke and he got super annoyed and he reported me, Ik dossing aint a funny joke and i would never do it to randoms i dont know because its scummy, i only done it for a laugh with my mates back in 2016 i never knew something would bite me in the arse like it did since we was all doing it to eachother.

I've waited so long for an unban and i got so excited when i saw the mass ban message, i felt like a little kid in a sweet shop, couldn't wait to get my rp on. hopped on and i'm still banned, i understand no one wants someone who causes shit, but its been 5 years and i've matured alot more than i had in 2016

I miss all of the great rp, had some of the best times with the police and a little bit with nhs and who could forget all the rebel times with all the jokes whilst flying a helicopter about.

I feel i deserve a second chance since its been so long with my ban, i never cheated or hacked on the server i never dossed the server or any one whilst they was playing the server i always played leigt and rped to the best of my ability, i had a few ups and downs with bad and good rp but since that i've grown up alot.

I love you all Thanks For Reading <3


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

So i'm going to get the ball rolling on this appeal.

Reading your appeal it honestly sounds like you expected to be unbanned by now, do you not understand how serious DDosing is? Do you honestly think that a period of time is enough to get you a second chance and to be able to trust someone who could potentially DDOS other members of the community?

Now you we're banned for threatening and actually DDosing somebody, which was a so called friend of yours and that you DDosed each other for "fun"? as Wilco mentioned in your last appeal do you know that it is against the computer misuse act and could of got you up to a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail for DDosing someone? I'd like to know why you considered this to be "fun" 

Now you say you did this with your "mates" does that mean you did it with multiple people and not just George with this DDOS game that you played?

And lastly you was 18 i believe when you we're banned, how much growing up have you actually done?

I honestly am not expecting it just hoping i get given a second chance, and yeah i was about 17/18 when it all happened i was still a bit immature.

i understand how serious it is not even just ingame  but outisde of game it's a very serious thing aswell, when i was 17/18 i didn't really understand it that well and it was all sort of new to me. I realised not long after on how stupid it was but it was too late as the dossing was already done.

I wouldn't do it ever again nor have i done it again and Since i was 18 i've grown up alot i was childish for my age im not gonna lie about it. im 22 now and  in 4/5 years you can grow up alot.

when i said with my mates there was three of us george me and one other and we use to do it all to eachother. back then i never thought it would of caused such an uproar and i was childish to believe that. I've been gagging for a 2nd chance to come back and have all the laughs i did. 

i can promise you guys and girls from the bottom of my heart i haven't done it since all of this happened . ❤️ 

So we have these steam ID's connected to you

76561198296847579 - Player name: Josh Pachinki

76561198171289187 - Player name: J.Panini

Why did you decide to ban evade last year and why have you failed to mention that ?

76561198296847579 - Player name: Josh Pachinki

In all honesty i completely forgot about that account, i played for a couple hours if i remember correct. i shouldn't of evaded the ban and that's why i haven't played on the josh pachinki account since. As i didnt want to destroy my chance of getting unbanned, i do sincerely apologise for the actions i have done and for all the aggro i caused back in 2016

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Now you say that you have grown up since your ban and that you think you deserve a second chance, wouldn't you think that honesty would have been your best tool to get unbanned? Instead you missed out mentioning that you ban evaded, as you didn't want it to "destroy" your chance of getting unbanned.

You also stated that you can't wait to get back onto the server and have great RP, however on your ban evading account you we're reported for RDM twice in 2 days. This on top of your original ban for DDosing does not exactly scream someone that's worthy of a "second chance" to me.


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