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Unban Appeal - TheFunkyJJ - Discord

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Unban Appeal for TheFunkyJJ 

In-game Name: MRL | The Funky JJ#8828

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561197992478032

Ban ID: there isnt one

Reason given for your ban: none has been given

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have no idea

Why should we unban you ?: Becuase i dont believe i have done anything to require a ban.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@TheFunkyJJI don't see you on our ban list. Could you send a screenshot please


if i do it on phone it says im banned from the guild

This is if someone invites me.


i have read it can be for having the same IP as someone else who has been banned. not sure how this works... and sorry for all the replies.

If i said you and 2 friends reacting to a bot message with something, does that remind you of what you may have done?

Oh yes, now you mention that i remeber liking all the things while we were waiting for the server to come up when there was issues with an update. We were sat in discord chatting (they told me about the notifications of the server that i didnt even realise existed in your channel) We were waiting for it to come up and were joking about the amount of people putting reactions and how fast they were doing it. And about 6/7 of us just said were going to make them all blue while we wait and trying to keep up with them all. (lame and stupid i know) There was nothing malicious about it and I do apologise sincerely, there are a lot of rules and i guess at the time, if not reacting to a bot too much is one of them, i just completely forgot in the moment as me and my friends were talking. Obviously i will keep this in mind and not do it again in the future, if that kind of action causes problems with the discord i really am sincerely sorry and didnt realise my actions were detrimental to anything in any way what so ever.

Thanks for letting me know, i am slightly curious as to why perhaps the others escaped a ban? Then again i dont actually know how many times they did it compared to myself.

I would really hope it is possible to get the ban removed as i would really like to make the most of the discord community and the auction feature. I will also happily refresh my memory of the rules of the discord community. I rarely use it for anything but the auction channel, and once again i apologise for what we did on behalf of my friends as well and will pass on this information to them to prevent it happening again in the future, as i am sure they were unaware of the implications also. 

i have let everyone know.


It was not the fact that you reacted to a bot message.. thats okay if it was something harmless and non offensive. 

Do you not remember the 3 letters you reacted too? 

not at all. i don't know if you can check... but i literally clicked on everything.. like every single one that got posted because we were all racing to try and turn every single one blue on every bot msg. i honest to god have no idea. but i guess it was something bad. 😕 I can hazard a guess at a three letter offensive word, and if it is that, then it would be offensive to myself anyway, and in no way shape or form tolerate any sort of homophobic/racist behaviour or any sort of discrimination for that matter, and have had to purposely avoid people in game due to such instances. please see if you can check all the ones that i clicked on because it was every single one on about 5/6 bot msgs. i would like to know what it is, in case its not what i am thinking and its something slang that i don't even know about? if its not one of the obvious ones. Saying that, its clearly not going to be appropriate for you to repeat it to me. I sincerely have no idea... im fully aware of the harm certain language can cause, so if i did click on 3 letters that make an offensive word/symbol it was out of blind stupidity for not seeing them like that, and just clicking buttons to turn them blue. AGAIN i sincerely apologise and will most certainly be more vigilant towards any lettering that may pop up in reactions and not be clicking it if it creates any sort of offensive term.

although still curious if thats the case as to why whichever two friends it was... they escaped a ban? if it was an offensive word.

Just to show i have taken what you have said seriously, here is a clip just to show i have also let the others know what the case is, and to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future. I really do hope you accept not just mine but on behalf of the other 2 who did it as well,  our apologies, and can understand the way in which it has happened, and that it hasn't been clicked deliberately to cause offence, and even to say that it wasn't even clicked in a sense i knew what i was clicking either. For want of a better word, we just spammed every single react, not looking at what they were in the slightest. Either way, thanks for taking the time to process this request, and raising the issue with me.


You are persisting with the "a big inconsistent of them to just ban you" 

No, there were 3 people who all reacted with the letters "N" "I" "G"

Now, is racism something you find funny?

p.s everyone who reacted to that is banned so you can stop that childish shit. Your hardly a victim here.

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NO! racism homophobia or discrimination of ANY kind i DO NOT find funny and you would understand my point of view on this from the previous replies of mine DENOUNCING any form of discrimination!!!

AND hold on a second? im not playing a victim NO ONE has been banned but me from discord of the people who i have played with. Im NOT  "persisting" with anything because that is the first time i said i have been banned and the 2 other people which you say are my friends that did the same thing if you look above at what ahs been said... have NOT been banned... which IS inconsistent for them to have done the same as me and not been banned.

 i don't know who these other two people are, but of those people i have posted in the group about this and no one has said they are banned from the discord, otherwise i would assume they would have said OH ME TOO.... as per my previous Reponses i had NO IDEA what the letter were. i had presumed they were the letters . "F" , "A" and "G" to be honest with you...and the point i was making is that i am gay and wouldn't condone such behaviour. as previously explained i don't condone racism... please explain to me where exactly i am finding the matter funny?

I do believe you are not reading correctly what has been written i will quote what you have said and respond to each point appropriately if required?

QUOTE: "If i said you and 2 friends reacting to a bot message with something, does that remind you of what you may have done?"

none of my friends have been banned... THAT is what is inconsistent.... 

QUOTE: "You are persisting with the "a big inconsistent of them to just ban you" "
 Definition of persisting "the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition."

The inconsistency has been mentioned once and is in connection with the two other people you say are my friends who did it havent been banned.

Please also illustrate where i am finding racism funny? also please read my previous replies where i clearly CONDONE any for of racism and homophobia which you clearly are disregarding because in a moment of clicking a lot of reactions i happened to click the letter N, the letter I, and the letter G for which all i know could have been separated by a new line... and in essence do not exactly spell anything out lie the letter F, A and G do which is why i presumed these were the letters... and if done in a malicious manner would be ridicules considering that i am in fact gay myself.

It clearly doesn't seem to matter to you what the person says.. for you to then respond to me with the words "childish shit"

I am currently getting my friends who are all still in the discord server checking the posts and they cant see that i have reacted to the letters N, I and G only the letters, C A and P and the letters W, T and F...

Please tell me the other two people who have been banned from the discord who are my friends? as EVERYONE of my friends that i am playing in this server with have not been banned from discord as you perceive to be saying they have been.

I will say that your response makes absolutely no sense to anything that i have previously said. Calling me a childish shit for no reason when these two other people you are claiming are banned are not banned. implying that i find racism funny? im not sure in anything that i have wrote where you can possibly suggest i find racism funny. It is clear everything i have written has been ignored. And i haven't persisted with anything by mentioning once that i am the only one of the 3 that appear to have been banned for this offence. My replies clearly explain the situation and i have got my friends to screen shot the reactions and i cant see the letter N I and G together anywhere on there. i will supply those images after this.

Clearly from all my writing above i do not find it funny and i didn't do it on purpose and if you check like asked you will see i clicked on absolutely everything to turn it blue and if i could log into the discord server i would go back and show you that for proof. You can tell im serious about this from the size of my replies and the seemingly strange replies from yourself. I suggest it would be best to pass this on to another member of staff to deal with and read through actually what has been said rather than calling me a childish shit and assuming i find racism funny for absolutely no reason what so ever.

My explanation for what has happened still stands... my view on racism, homophobia and any for of discrimination still stands, as do all my previous apologies and attempts to inform the friends that i play with of the situation to make sure that this doesn't occur in the future. which i have provided proof of to show you that i have taken the situation seriously and NOT in an amusing manner as you seem to be suggesting. there is NOTHING childish in ANY of my replies to this matter.

Just to add...where i say it is inconsistent isn't a matter for you to take into account as that is included in a clip of a private chat, where i CAN say whatever it is that i like... it has not been said personally to yourselves, and should have absolutely no baring on this matter what so ever.

Your language towards me in your last reply is un called for, actually its unbelievable that as a staff member you would be willing to write such words, when reviewing a ban case regarding bad words. It is clear you are not reading my responses properly and taking anything i say into account therefore request that a different and more  senior member of staff to review this case, as i believe this is being dealt with unfairly. I have not once been rude in my replies or demonstrated that i am not taking this seriously either, it is infact the complete opposite if you read what i have written.


These are the screen shots i have been sent of those particular reacts and i cant see the letters N, I, G together anywhere. If i was allowed back into the discord i can prove i went through and just liked every single one to turn the blue not paying attention exactly what the reacts were.


You reacted to the letters "N" "I" "G" along with 2 people. Those other 2 people are banned. Of course those letters are not going to still be there, a discord mod would have had to take the time to remove the people that had reacted to it to get rid of it.

You are saying that your not racist and that you just clicked all of them, which if this is the case then okay. However, would you not have thought to actually look what your clicking just incase?

How can we ensure that you wouldnt do anything like this again? Just clicking buttons carelessly 

You now state it was 2 other people rather than 2 of my friends where as before i quote you said this "If i said you and 2 friends reacting to a bot message with something" but i am unable to locate a single friend of mine that has been banned from the discord... this doesn't seem to make any sense.

I say im not racist and i have clearly demonstrated in my previous responses how i feel about racism and any form of discrimination, and have demonstrated that i will go out the way to warn others in the group to prevent this from happening in the future from myself and anyone else that i know and provided evidence on two occasions to you, that i have done that, but this doesn't seem to have been noticed.

And no i definitely would not have thought SOMEONE ELSE would have been stupid and racist and blatant enough to write any letters such as N I G or F A G... because im not racist and wouldn't do that myself and presumed people in this community weren't so stupid as to do that... AND for THAT to get ME in trouble... i think perhaps the person who posted the letters initially should be the one explaining themselves RATHER than someone who can prove it was done by mistake and prove that i was legitimately clicking all the reacts out of boredom and not presuming the community is full of racists reacting with letters to make racist sayings that im going to click on if i don't look at everything im clicking on in a race between me and my friends to turn every single react blue. Ok im guilty of being bored and childish in that sense but THAT is about it.... we were bored and just waiting for the server to come up. Please forgive me for not presuming that people in this community would be trying to be racist in such instances, i wouldn't have believed people to be so racist so blatantly in a community with such rigorous rules maintained by a large group of staff. so no i don't go through thinking to look for racist words just in case when clicking random buttons. But i do hope the person who actually put them there in the first place is not allowed back as their motive is clearly racist and racist only!

 Please request that a higher level member of staff read the unban appeal, and all the information within it, as the answers to your questions have already been provided well in advance of you asking. I Have already explained convincingly enough in previous replies what  i have done to prevent this happening again and what i will do in the future, so i am not sure why you are asking this QUOTE : "How can we ensure that you wouldn't do anything like this again? Just clicking buttons carelessly" please read the above replies for the necessary information regarding this question. 

What i find strange is, you expecting me to notice every react when doing something as trivial as clicking them all to make them blue, but in the serious matter of which you are accusing me of being racist and questioning my intentions you are clearly not reading my responses, and what i will and wont do regarding this matter in the future. It feels as though you are taking it less seriously than myself, when you are in a staff member position, punishing me for an easy and explainable mistake with the evidence you have to hand, and seemingly i need to be more serious about reading the words certain letters make on bot reacts than you have to be regarding reading my responses after you accusing me of being Racist, playing a victim and calling me a childish shit!

Clearly my request for a higher level member of staff to review this instead of yourself has gone un noticed or un granted which i also find strange when you seem to be wanting to talk me round in circles over everything which i have already answered for apologised for and explained extremely clearly.

Also If you check the evidence (that more than just the letters NIG were clicked) you will see that its not a case of "if that's the case" there is NO IF.. because its FACT!!! please go and check!!!

also i will say again... no one i know of has been banned with me. please can you tell me who these people are because it feels as though you have your wires crossed. you said they were my friends and none of my friends have been banned from the discord for this matter, not that they are willing to tell me anyway, everyone has denied it and has been checking the logs and sending me screen shots on discord to help me which wouldn't be possible had they been banned also.

Just to note i would not be putting this much effort into an unban appeal for the discord server just to use the auction page if i felt i had deliberately done anything wrong what so ever and hadnt got a reasonable explanation for what happened, which i have. I have tried my best to show and tell you my intentions and my apologise and regarding that there is nothing more anyone could possibly do to explain and apologise more regarding this matter.

I will repeat myself again and PLEASE REQUEST a higher level of staff to review the content of this unban appeal, as your replies suggest your not taking it seriously and cant be bothered to read anything i have said to you in reply. when your questions have already been answered in the previously submitted replies.

Just to note i would not be putting this much effort into an unban appeal for the discord server just to use the auction page if i felt i had deliberately done anything wrong what so ever and hadnt got a reasonable explanation for what happened, which i have. I have tried my best to show and tell you my intentions and my apologise and regarding that there is nothing more anyone could possibly do to explain and apologise more regarding this matter.
You are correct. And i do actually believe you, you have gone to great depths to try find out what you have done and to "prove" your innocence. However, what you need to remember is there are so many bans for similar things placed daily and most of the time they are just racist trolls. Which im sure you can see that you reacting with that would tar you with that brush. 

Now we have established that is not actually your intention, you are not a racist troll trying to be funny or big or clever i will happily unban you.

I do believe that you have just made a careless mistake.

Going forward if you were ever to be in this section of the forums again (which i hope you never have to be for any rule breaks) then you must understand we do not have to share the minor nitty gritty details with everyone and everything about the bans. If it was 2 random people or 2 of your friends it really does not matter. What matters is you proving and talking us through YOUR actions to lead you here. 

You will be unbanned as of now. Any issues with the unban feel free to inbox me on here. 

Welcome Back!

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