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Unban Appeal - ThatFriendlyHobo - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Scotty Powell
Steam ID: 76561198202086380
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17385
Ban Reason: (C2.2) Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for exploiting and using 3rd person to shoot out of my car at locals.
Why should we unban you: I would first like to explain how serious the rule is I broke, Exploiting doesn't just affect the person doing the exploiting it affects the whole community, For example if I'm shooting in third person at someone from my car and they have to shoot back at me in first person that puts them at a serious disadvantage,
Although I wasn't shooting at players I still recognise the fact that this is a serious exploit ban.

The reason I was breaking this rule was more than likely because I was bored at the time and just shooting at locals driving by my car, This was a severe lapse of judgement from me not realising at the time how serious my actions were,
I now realise after being banned and writing this unban appeal it doesn't matter if it's against players or locals exploiting is exploiting all the same, I should have known this already as I have been apart of the community for more than 3 years and have only found myself in serious trouble twice,
I am familiar with all of the rules related to the server and community which makes me kick myself even more for not thinking at the time

I apologize for even being in this position. I should have known better even if I didn't gain an advantage to be doing something like this, it's silly on my end. Thank you for the staff that takes their time to read this.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Thank you for responding Danoo, All is well thank you and I hope all is well with you.

If my memory serves me right I'm almost positive I have only shot locals using 3rd person, I may have shot fellow gang members tyres out or something along those lines but certainly something I don't remember.
Thanks for the response @ThatFriendlyHobo !

I can tell you now that you've used this on players, multiple times.
As you don't actually remember this, I am half tempted to decline your appeal until further down line as not only have you exploited, you also don't fully remember it which shows to me how little the rule meant to you.

Either way, as you've admitted to using this exploit regardless, why did you do it other than "being bored"?
I'd simply just like to gather a further insight to this if possible :)
Hi Danoo,

Firstly, I'd like to start with an apology. I genuinely have no memory of doing so, but with you confirming it I take that fully on my shoulders that that is my own fault.

As you don't actually remember this, I am half tempted to decline your appeal until further down line as not only have you exploited, you also don't fully remember it which shows to me how little the rule meant to you.
I completely understand your point of view, while it might look like I don't care about the rule, for me to have forgotten, and having no clips of the incidents, it must have been in the heat of the moment and shooting before giving a second thought to correct the exploit. While this doesn't excuse it in any way, I genuinely want to make this better for future, that being said I would make sure to have my clipping running at all times, and any time I do so by accident, I will in future create a ticket and explain this, and also attempt to solve it with the other player affected.

Either way, as you've admitted to using this exploit regardless, why did you do it other than "being bored"?
I said this basically directly about locals. I spend a lot of my time on RPUK, and during the downtime of "being bored", instead of finding myself something to do, such as finding other players to talk to, grinding money or logging off, I took a lot of that boredom out on locals. While this isn't a justifiable excuse, I hope this assists in giving context to yourself as to why I did it in the first place.

Another thing, I'd genuinely like to apologise to the players I've affected with this, while this doesn't mean much after the fact, at the end of the day it was my mistake entirely, and was me using an exploit without thinking of the repercussions, whether I was doing it, and not giving proper communication to those in these situations.

I hope this helps prove context, please let me know of anything else I can help with
Good morning @ThatFriendlyHobo !

Thank you for the detailed response, let's take this as a wakeup call!
Your record is fairly clean, you've not had any interactions with staff for some time now and I hope it remains this way as you, along with many other players are now on a fine line for exploiting.

I will give you another chance here to prove you're better than this.
Please do not waste it, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here.

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