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Unban Appeal - TCM - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Appeal for TCM 

In-game Name: Stizzy Guznovi

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198151032068

Ban ID: !!rpuk12582!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Last night I was killed it was 5am and I was about to go to bed, after I was killed the person walked up to me and said I'm just going to leave you here then left and I logged off as I thought that situation was over

Why should we unban you ?: My intent was never to combat log and I was already dead, I have learnt from this and will not log out until around 10-15min after a situation is over. I have been playing on RPUK for a few days now and have been getting estabilished, meeting people, making friends and connections, I really like the comminity and would like to continue playing here

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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So you we're banned this morning for combat logging, Now you state you had to go to bed ect. If this is the case why not just log off prior to getting into any roleplay? Would make more sense, Or simply wait out the respawn timer. 

Now you logged out 3 minutes after going down. You claim you thought the situation was over? I will say trying to lie is a poor look. It was far from over, Anyway this is something you can address in your next appeal. In relation to combat logging bans these do carry a month cooldown period before you may appeal the ban. Now since you we're banned yesterday morning you will need to wait until May 26th 2023 before you may appeal this ban.

Just so there isn't a further shock when you appeal next, I will also be adding another rule break on top of this ban. The further ban will be for G2.9, You can find this within our rules page on top of the page.

I would suggest you be honest about both rule breaks and we will go from there in your next appeal.


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