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Unban Appeal - Synaps - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Synaps 

In-game Name: George Black

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198248021536

Ban ID: rpuk#4414

Reason given for your ban: apparently use of an offensive word

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I honestly have no idea, why I was banned, I used the word "retard" lot" However, on the English dictionary this is what it means and how i was using and conducting the word however it clearly came across fasly. (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/retard)

Why should we unban you ?: Because, I was having good fun and 5 of my other mates are in this server because I recommended and had high hopes, but a admin clearly misinterpreted how I conducted and used this word.

Hope this can be sorted. and dealt with professionalism.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Your steam ID is the incorrect one. Please provide the correct one.

You have no idea? have you read our rules?

Quote me the rule you have broken/been banned for and explain it here in your own words and why we have that rule.

I dont care what a online dictionary might say about the word, we here do not tolerate any sort of discriminatory language to anyone. This is a safe place for people to come and play in their free time. Not a toxic environment fulled with disrespectful children. If thats what you are telling me you and your friends are and are used to playing in then you can provide me with there names too and we will make sure nobody else has to listen to the abuse that might come out of their mouths. 

Mate if you dont care what a dictionary says then how are you meant to help someone, this is a ban appeal. im appealing the ban that someone gave me, It was not abusive if you think thats abusive i dont know how you function in the real world.  I said a word as a verb and everyone thought it was patronising. 

Adding onto that, this is meant to be RP, anything i would say in rp would be said in real life. 

Again adding onto that, its not discriminative at all. as it was used in a good context.

Mate if you dont care what a dictionary says then how are you meant to help someone, this is a ban appeal. im appealing the ban that someone gave me, It was not abusive if you think thats abusive i dont know how you function in the real world.  I said a word as a verb and everyone thought it was patronising. 

Adding onto that, this is meant to be RP, anything i would say in rp would be said in real life. 

Again adding onto that, its not discriminative at all. as it was used in a good context.
We're not here to help you, we're here to see if you are someone we would want back on our server. Currently you're not particularly convincing.

Now, there are a few legitimate definitions of the word, that's correct. But if you look at your own link there's also a definition that they define as "Disparaging and Offensive", that is also the definition I'd argue most people online intend when using the word.

You claim you used it as a verb, please explain how the use of the words as a verb would make any sense in the context you used it in.
Bear in mind, we know what happened and the circumstances leading up to your ban.

Yes of course. No i am just trying to rectify it and just get it over to your team that it was not explained in a malicious way AT ALL! If you would like to know I'm autistic and have ADHD and Tourette's, and i don't take offence if someone says this and i have heard people say this in your sever in a malicious manner. Anyway let me explain to you the scenario in context. 

A driver pulled out, and crashed into me. Instantly i used the word "retard" as this verb - to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

I thought his reactions of driving was terrible personally. So I called him a retard. However this was meant in this context

So really, regardless of context these words do not need to be said on this platform. Context really does not matter, i understand you trying to justify it "in RP" and because of context but we need to know that you would NOT say anything disrespectful or derogatory going forward from here.

How can you assure us of this when currently all you have done is defend your reason for using it?

Firstly, im not that type of person in real life. and i have also learnt my lesson as i was actually enjoying myself on the server. So i can assure you that i will not. Say anything even in different wording like vocabuary that someone would take offence to. You have my word and im a man of my word. I would aslo like to say thanks for giving me the time to hear me out.

And also i did enjoy playing on your server. It was good fun and enjoyed the realism. Want to add to the realism and fun.

Yes please can a admin reply?

Charles, yes I may have bumped but thats not what im being accused off, i have said sorry for the  mis understanding which i have explained and would like another chance to rectify. I have made that promise that i wont use potential words in a different verb

Appeal denied, inability to follow unban appeal rules

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