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Unban Appeal - SteveStacy - GTA RP


Taxi Auto Centre

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Steve Stacy
Steam ID: 76561199086682629
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18500
Ban Reason: C1.2 - Player Report
Why do you think you were banned: Using Inappropriate language.
Why should we unban you: Link to previous appeal - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-stevestacy-gta-rp.426798/

Hello and thanks to whoever reads over this appeal!

It is now just coming up to 3 weeks after I was initially banned, in that time I have tried to remember what Roleplay and this server is all about, creating an enjoyable and fun experience for all involved. Now knowing the boundaries and limitations to what should and can be said I will not cross that line again. I can only apologies once more to the individual who took offense to my insults and to ask Staff for another chance to prove that I am a capable role-player and someone whom wants to stay and be apart of the community.

I have linked my previous appeal where I had already answered some questions, if staff have any others for me then I will gladly answer them.

Steve x
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Steve Steve Steve,

I am also shocked to find you in the unban appeals, I think you have lost what the server is all about or become comfortable that you don't think the rules apply to you.

I am not interested in your previous unban, so answer me this! (IN DETAIL!)

What led up to you been banned? (the situation)

You have stated the rule, but why is this important on the server?

Why should we even bother entertaining this? Why should we let you back? What are you plans if you come back?

This will be the only chance for you to answer these questions so think about your answers, take your time and provide detail.
Hello @PapaSmurphy ,

Thanks for the response! Hope you're well.

The situation itself was nearly a month back but I will try my best to unfold the events:

I logged onto the server with my newly returned driving license thanks to Mr Dredd and Miss Lily Rose, after contemplating what I should, I decided to do some mechanic jobs, after a few vehicle transfers I found myself outside pillbox! The car attached to the job which led me there seemed to have been missing, so I attempted to just attach a random car onto the truck... it went on! With this new revelation in mind, I saw a players car parked Illegally, so I attached it onto the truck, the player ran up to me pleading for the car back, to which I responded, "no". As I was about to drive off, they said they would pay 10,000 for me to take it off, so I did and low and behold, they paid me the 10,000. So, naturally, I drove around the city finding myself at the newly furnished Bennys and places like AE and Marabunta Turf etc, putting cars onto the back of my truck and getting money in return to take them off. After doing this for sometime, driving near LifeInvader I saw some flashing lights.. curiosity got the better of me, I had to go take a look! There were police cars left unattended, some with lights on and some with none, so I put the one without lights onto the back of my truck! After a few minutes, a police officer ran up to me with his gun drawn and demanded I take the car off, If i don't comply I will be shot! So I listened and did just that, taking it off and asking why he acted in such a hostile manner, to which he told his fellow officer to arrest me If he see's me touching another police vehicle, sensing some unrest I decided to move along, after going back to what I was previously doing for an hour or so I found myself just outside of the town hall. After exiting my truck, a police officer and his probie shouted over "Dont even try it!", so I told them they were parked illegally, there car being on a red line and them sat on their lunch break at limeys, they had to move it on or else it would be towed as they are not above the law and have to follow the same laws we as citizens do! He responded with something along the lines of," touch the car and I'll arrest you for theft" or something like that, so, naturally I attempted to put the car onto my truck! Where I was met with a tazer and handcuffs, soon standing inside a cell at MRPD. I had requested a solicitor, which I got and had a conversation with him, after sometime the officer was not happy with what my solictor said and was still planning on sending me to jail for a long stretch and also giving me 20 points and pushing for my mechanics driving license to be banned! Not liking how this was going I requested a bench trial, after the officer managed to reach out to someone on discord they responded with something like," its not worth it". So they refused to give me a trial and were going to take me to prison instead! This is where the rulebreaks start from...

The rule "Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination." is at the upmost importance in this server, it is in place to insure everyone is treated kindly and respectfully, this place is used as a virtual escape for many, to have some fun with friends and make new ones. People should feel safe here, not looked down upon or discriminated against. Without this rule in place the server would be a much more toxic place, with all kinds of words and hatred spewed, leading to many people not feeling safe and therefore leaving the server, this simply can not happen which is why this rule is so important.

I have played and been apart of this server for over a year now, being apart of some fun and enjoyable RP scenarios, starting a business along side some friends and being apart of a business called 'taxi auto centre' where 'we' would stand outside for hours upon hours a day just to bring some RP to the server. This is my first perma ban, It was a mistake I full heartedly regret, I am hoping Staff can also see this and allow me to demonstrate the type of RP I can produce and allow me to rejoin the server.

My plans should I be allowed to return are probably to either return to my roots and try to get TAC back up and running or possibly to try join either NHS/Police on a different character, I had tried to join G6 I think 4 different times but was declined so I think the ship has sailed with that one. I had also joined Police as a probie on a character called Barry Brians but I also didn't really enjoy that stage, It could just be trying to get past the "probie stage" and I may find it enjoyable.

If there is anything else you would like me to talk/respond to please let me know,

Hello @SteveStacy .

Glad to see some effort in your responses to @PapaSmurphy 's questions.

I do believe you'd be a valuable addition to this community again, however I do have some concern over one point.

People should feel safe here, not looked down upon or discriminated against. Without this rule in place the server would be a much more toxic place, with all kinds of words and hatred spewed, leading to many people not feeling safe and therefore leaving the server, this simply can not happen which is why this rule is so important.

This is very true - but with how you behaved in the situation that led to your ban, I'm not sure you fully believe in this. Why did you behave the way you did, spouting such abuse at other players?
Hi @Bonzi,

Thanks for the response!

I can see why you're skeptical, I have broken the trust that was once there, the trust which is the core to a great community. I acted out of pettiness and simple annoyance, being too caught up in the RP scenario, blinded as to how others could feel OOC. There is no excuse for the words and hatred I spewed that night, I can only hope the gentlemen involved are feeling better and have been able to move past what I said, which I fully apologies for. I truly do believe in what I wrote, the comments should not have been made, people should not have to deal with things like this over a virtual game when our real lives are already stressful and hard hitting enough, It was beyond foolish of me. During my time here I have made many great friends, sharing fond memories and laughter, to think I have caused someone the complete opposite of this makes me feel terrible. In the future I will think twice before saying words which aren't in a positive light, making sure everyone is comfortable with the jokes/words being said and keeping the spirt of RPUK positive.

Thanks again,

Steven la Stacy

I'm glad to see some ownership and understanding of where you went wrong.

In the future I will think twice before saying words which aren't in a positive light, making sure everyone is comfortable with the jokes/words being said and keeping the spirt of RPUK positive.

It's all well and good saying this on the forums, but how can we be sure you won't repeat this behaviour in the heat of a losing situation?
Hello @Bonzi ,

I understand you're struggling to believe me but I can assure you It will not happen again, I think this time off has shown me quite a lot in regards to the server. I am sure in myself that this wont happen, frustration will not cloud my judgement. Like I said, I can see why you are on the fence with this, I have done it once so who's to say it wont happen again, I can only hope you give me a chance to prove to myself and to you that I can be better and that I fully intend to. If I feel like something is not going my way I just won't take it to heart, finish the situation then see where I can go from there, either carrying on doing something else ect or coming off for a bit to relax.

Cheers, Steveo.

I am going to give you a chance, but its only going to be one chance.

Please don't make me regret this, please consider your actions and words when playing and do NOT find yourself here again.

