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Unban Appeal - SteveMartin - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SteveMartin 

In-game Name: Steve Martin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321310240

Ban ID: !!rpuk6450!!

Reason given for your ban: G7.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned permanently from RPUK after my associate reported a player for clearly and blatantly combat logging during a robbery we carried out a few days ago. We offered the guy a lift , then told him to put his hands up. My other associate then carried him in the car in order to move him quickly from the location. We went for some petrol , while doing this the person who was getting robbed started walking about ect , and me being the only person at the time with a gun , requested he put his hands up so we could move him into the car and move him to a location. We then got to the location where we asked that he dropped the contents of his pockets where he then combat logged. Twice. My associate then reported this. A few days later , a staff member has a chance to look at the report , he makes a few very valid points about carrying the person and how thats bad RP (i never carried anyone it was my associate). He then mentions that the RP was bad over all during the robbery ect.. and this resulted in my two associates receiving a warning point , and me , receiving a permanent ban from the server. Now i assume this may of been because i have just recently been unbanned for a situation that occurred over 2 months ago.

Why should we unban you ?: As mentioned over 2 months ago i received a perm ban for combat logging , 2 months later , i appealed , and took full responsibility for my actions. 2 long months i waited to appeal this , and then a week later , i find my self permanently banned again. Now after reading the report i will fully agree , RP should of been better during this situation , but i feel a permanent ban for this is a little heavy considering im just back after 2 months away , in the last week i have been back i have tried my best to improve and follow the rules of the server , i understand the points that were made and im more than happy to work on them to improve my RP , but how can i do this when i receive another permanent ban. All ill ask is for a chance to work on these points that were mentioned about the RP , i understand i dont get a second chance as i have allready been perm banned for a completely different situation , but everyone makes mistakes within RP , i have learned my lesson from my last ban , i dont feel i deserve a permanent ban on this occasion.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there.

First off, anyone that gets banned for whatever reason shortly after having successfully appealed a permanent ban, will go straight back to this section of the forums. You are no exception and were rightfully permed once again. 

You say you waited 2 months until you could appeal, however, destroyed the trust given to you within a week. That does not exactly speak for you wanting to be here? It is an RP server and you broke the easiest of all rules in place - Provide high quality RP. 
If I were to unban you, what would be different this time? Is it going to be 2 weeks instead of one before we meet here again? 

Hi Samantha ,

Im not disputing that i was wrongfully banned , sorry if its come across that way.

I understand why i was banned. I see after watching the clip and to the admin who banned me's response that some sort of punishment was expected.

But after two months away my RP standards may have dropped a bit from before , robbing ect is not something i would commonly do prior to being banned the first time. But with it being difficult to make money ect i had thought it would be a good way to get some cash.

To be honest , if i am unbanned im gonna stay away from robbing and that side of RP untill im confident that my RP will be at a high enough standard to do this. Ill be focusing on improving my RP in general and sticking to taxis and might even reapply for police on my other character to keep me busy for the foreseeable future.    



When taking someone hostage, this needs to be done with the highest of quality of roleplay.

What you demonstrated is simply you wanting to get quick easy "gear" with very little roleplay. 

This is unacceptable. 

Please quote the server rule you think you broke and then explain in your own words why such rule is in place on our server and what it means.

Hi Fluqi,

Thanks for the response

I understand this is unacceptable , but as i learned last time , honesty is the best policy.

So the rule i broke was G7.1 , i breached this rule as my RP was not at a high enough standard for the situation to be enjoyed by everyone involved , we were simply trying to rush in order to obtain gear , which we never received in the end as he combat logged. 

This rule is in place to ensure the server is a safe and enjoyable place for everyone to play on , if everyone done this on the server or i continued to and got away with it. The server would not be the place its intended to be. I also believe that roleplay is far more important that Ruleplay , which we were guilty of doing during this situation.



Within not even 6 months, you mustered up 7 kicks/warnings and 2 permanent bans. 

We have been more than fair with you and will no longer entertain your disregards for the rules. You can try again in 6 months, maybe a longer timeout will make you realise.

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