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Unban Appeal - SteveMartin - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SteveMartin 

In-game Name: Steve Martin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321310245

Ban ID: !!rpuk5865!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for C2.3 Combat Logging

This started when the Hustlers and the Vagos had words , which resulted in a shootout on vagos turf , most of this was explained by Maz when he reported me so I wont bore you and repeat what he has said. But at the end of the shoot out between the vagos and the hustlers , I took two in a car to be dumped off the pier , where i took there photo and went to drive the car off the end, im not sure at what point my game crashed , but the victims seemed to think I combat logged , after looking at the video it looks like i did , so i fully understand his report , please allow me to explain what happened.

Why should we unban you ?: After my game crashed I had a feeling someone may report me for combat logging so i took a gyazo of the error message , below is the original image i took.


The reason i cropped the image is because task manager is shown in the background and i believed at the time it looked bad and all that was required was the crash error code to prove i crashed.

I have a two monitor set up , i always launch task manager , its the only application i don't drag over to my second screen hence why its always behind FiveM and in all cases behind the crash messages.

I have been crashing loads recently and i always return to situations, for example i was arrested with 500 Coke and a .50 Pistol recently along with 100 bullets and some other stuff , all this worth well over 500k , when being transported to custody my game crashed , did i come back on and run away to save my things? no , i gave the cop a message and told him id be back to continue the situation , im sure the arresting officer would remember this and vouch for me if required.

This is just one example but as mentioned recently my game will crash more and more often , i understand this time when i crashed i should of returned to RP however i spawned at the bottom of the ocean and started swimming to the top, i understand this was wrong and i should of remained at the bottom.

Please let me know if there's anything else i can do , i have spent over 600 hours on RPUK and never been Banned or Warned before , I would be disappointed if my time on RPUK had to come to an end because of a misunderstanding.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there. 

Before I give you another shot at telling me the truth, I would like to let you know that we are not born yesterday. You are not at all the only one coming up with the excuse "my game crashed" and I think by now, it should be common knowledge that we can tell.
Other scenarios where you might have crashed and have come back, have nothing to do with this incident and therefore will not be taken into account.

Try again.

Hi , thanks for your response.

Truthfully , i did close the game , because it wasn't letting me leave the car , the car had no door on in the water so i would of been safe to get out anyway.

It will be a known bug that sometimes it wont let you enter or exit cars , at this point , i was slowly drowning and sinking , there was no door and i could not understand why it wasn't letting me out the car , i panicked and tried to close the game a few times then got that error.

Iv never been in that situation before in FiveM where i was sinking in a car and unable to get out , i know this will mean nothing but in GTA V you can exit cars underwater , i assumed the mechanics would be the same, especially as there was no door.

I did not see this as combat logging at the time , i purely thought my game had bugged and i was gonna be stuck in the car and loose my items , i now understand i should of remained in the car but at the time i genuinely never seen it as a problem me leaving as i thought i had the bug where i couldn't exit my car , its not a big i get very often but i am aware of it when entering a car right after restart ect...

Let me know if yous need anything else , that's all that really happened , for future ill know that you cant exit cars in the water , but as i mentioned at the time i thought differently.

Youll see my record is clean , my game had crashed a few days before this after a guy killed me , i came back in and asked in OOC , youll see that mentioned on another recent report , iv never broke any other rules or had any warning points , iv played RP games for years and know the rules well , this has just been a misunderstanding.



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So why did you start the appeal with a lie? Did you think that lying would give you a better chance of getting unbanned?

i purely thought my game had bugged and i was gonna be stuck in the car and loose my items
What was so important that you had on your person to risk being banned for? 

Could you also quote me the rule that you was banned for and explain to us why you thought that what you did wouldn't be considered as combat logging.

If you are in a situation where you believe to be trapped in a "bug" what would you do next time? 

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The reason I said my game crashed is because I thought it would of made it easier to get out of the situation. As mentioned when i was sinking in the car i was spamming F to get out. When it was not letting me out i panicked and attempted to close the game a bunch of times when i then got that error (probs cause i was spamming close).

At the time I had a M1911 Pistol and a load of ammo , it wasn't about the value of these but my other gang members were still in a fight so i knew i had to be quick on getting back to try and help the situation.

I can not quote the other rule i broke , as i dont believe there is one , i now understand i broke C2.3 As stated in the rules (logging out at any time during RP is exploiting) i know this rule , however at the time i had panicked and made a decision that has left me unable to play.

The bug i am on about is when say your trying to get in your car , and your character freezes in motion with the door open attempting to enter or when your trying to exit the car and it wont let you out for a few seconds, any other time this bug occurred i would just wait 10/15 seconds or just keep clicking F until it let me out , the reason I closed the game to get out was because i was sinking in water with no time to think and i was slowly drowning , and as i mentioned i panicked and closed the game.

I understand now that this is Combat logging , as you cant enter cars under the water , so i would of died either way and also i left the game to give me an advantage which i now fully understand is wrong.

In future if this happened again and i genuinely believed i was in a bug , i would clip the recording and make a comp request on the forums, my actions have resulted in me receiving a ban so i will be sure not to make the same mistake again if allowed back into the city. 

I hope you can see i have realised i genuinely made a big mistake here , as mentioned before (and i know this will be irrelevant) any other time my game has crashed or something has happened , i always try and resolve in OOC or TS , i never this time and its landed me here.

I can confirm this would not happen again , and will agree if it does, a permanent ban should be given , with no option to appeal.



Hello there. 

To be completely honest here, reading your responses and seeing the effort you put in them, I was almost willing to unban you right away. Then I went back to look at your record once more... 

In addition to the combat log, which you decided to lie about, you have multiple warnings for quite a couple different things and I think you desperately need some time to read the rules again and think about whether or not you would like to keep on playing here. 

Everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Where you really ended up screwing it was when you lied about what actually happened. All members of staff are here in their own free time, dealing with things like this to help the community out. We do not at all appriciate wasting our time on people that try to deceive us.

Come back in 2 months time and try again.

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