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Unban Appeal - southernmia - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jones Bones
Steam ID: 76561198975185429
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18800
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: I searched g2.9 in the discord server because I was genuinely confused as to why I was banned, apparently I transferred something through another character to myself which is untrue, I play on 2 characters, I gave money to a friend in game in exchange for something and I didn't break any rules, no money was transferred to myself from that character and I was perma banned for this.
Why should we unban you: I would greatly appreciate some insight into why I was wrongfully banned and if it is possible for me to get some help in appealing this. I feel as though I have put so much time in this server already, it's only been a couple days since I re-joined and I have been grinding for hours, this is highly upsetting to see as I feel I have done nothing wrong. I was not aware that I could not play in different characters?? I thought that's why we had the option to create them. I have not transferred money to myself, If there is a way for you to clear this please do, I transferred 30k to a friend in exchange for something, you can see that the 30k was NOT transferred to myself again at no time. Thank you.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @southernmia

I hope all is well today?

You have mentioned about having two characters, can you confirm both of these characters names for me?

all is good, i hope all is well for you too,

both characters are called Jones Bones

I go by Mia on one of them, my intention was to create a new one when i came back to the server so i could have one be a drug dealer and the other one be innocent,

I never transferred money to myself, it was given to Daniel during a short interaction, the rule that i’m being accused of breaking clearly states that I cannot transfer items back to my own characters which never happened,

I had no intention of exploiting my starter money, I was just paying someone in exchange for a favour and happened to have logged into that character that night (i wanted to change my av but ended up having issues with my game and just coming back on the other character) i was asked for 50k and talked him down to 30k, which is all i had.

I know it seems suspicious but I genuinely just gave him money because of a favour and happened to have logged in as the other character that time which i now regret so much, I did not receive that money back on my other character it was for daniel, not me. I had no idea this would cause a huge issue and I do apologise for any inconveniences I may have caused but it was not intentional.

are you able to help me clear this up please?

i appreciate the quick response

thank you,

Hello @southernmia

I am well thank you

With looking in to your record yes you did not transfer money but it does not mean that things were not sent by Danial, which would then also be transferring items

Now I would like to make you think about theses characters with the same names, yes you said one of them goes by Mia but officially their names are the same and both controlled by you, they also happen to have the very same friend and happened to gave them items within not even hours apart from each other. Can you not see the bad character separation here? It also makes me wonder how this roleplay story started between all 3 of them, Was this OOC influenced by chance?
Hello @southernmia

I am well thank you

With looking in to your record yes you did not transfer money but it does not mean that things were not sent by Danial, which would then also be transferring items

Now I would like to make you think about theses characters with the same names, yes you said one of them goes by Mia but officially their names are the same and both controlled by you, they also happen to have the very same friend and happened to gave them items within not even hours apart from each other. Can you not see the bad character separation here? It also makes me wonder how this roleplay story started between all 3 of them, Was this OOC influenced by chance?
I understand your suspicions completely, it was just terrible timing.

Had I known that it would cause issues I would have left the game and re-joined as my main character to send the money that was owed - and never even touched the other one.
The rp was definitely not OOC, as I said - in the hospital Daniel had helped me so in exchange he asked for money which I said okay, he asked for 50k and I was surprised but then talked him down to 30k because it's all I could do, this all happened within minutes before my game started bugging and I re-joined as my main. I literally never intended to exploit anything, I had no idea that this could result in a permanent ban.

The rule states you cannot give items back to yourself, yes I gave it to Daniel which looks bad to you but you have to believe this was with no exploiting intentions and if it was I could easily admit this to you and say sorry for my actions, but It was genuinely bad timing as I have said.

And you are right about the bad character separation with the name being the same, when I played previously on the old character I went by Jones Bones and only will go by Jones, on the new one I have only ever gone by Mia + I'll hold myself accountable for the name being the same, it shouldn't and for that I apologise and can see why you would have questions about this.

I apologise for the confusion and do hope you understand what I am saying,

Thank you,

Good evening @southernmia

I thank you for your responses. I shall unban you this evening. When you have loaded in to the server please make a ticket and @ me in it

I think a lot has been cleared up and I am happy to unban you today.

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