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Unban Appeal - SNOOZY - Discord

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for SNOOZY 

In-game Name: SNOOZE#0253

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 357069408

Ban ID: no idea

Reason given for your ban: no idea

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I wanted to return server on GTA 5 Five M and found out i was banned on the discord I dont know why.
kind regards aaron

Why should we unban you ?: Im unsure on what to say at this point if I have done something then Ill make sure to not do it again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good Morning @SNOOZY

Few questions since there isn't much here for us to go off. Can you provide me your discord id? The way you can get this is having developer mode enabled via the advanced settings then right clicking your name and copy id. If you are unable to get this can you provide the correct steam id please?

On top of this, Can you tell me how long ago this happened? 

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@SNOOZYPlease respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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